IF you read my post I said IF pc players are exploiting graphics settings, not that they are.

Yeah, I know a couple of these guys. Though itā€™s been broken down in detail already.

@XViper has already done a very, very thorough breakdown of why you were shredded. High props to him for taking the time.

It can be easy to blame things on ā€˜simpleā€™ answers or believe that some singular event was the cause of defeat. The learning curve for this game is significant. By random chance, you have glimpsed the top of Olympus before you were ever ready to make the trek.

Iā€™m not a pro-gamer. Iā€™m not the ā€˜best ever.ā€™ And I can still give @JelouGaming and @XViper a run for their money (as pred) when I happen across them. I regularly FT with @XViper too.

You lost. Beautifully. Gloriously. In such a way that there is no question about what went down. Know that such encounters are still fairly rare and take some solace that, reading through the thread, most folks here are offering tips to help you improve!

Thereā€™s a learning curve. Itā€™ll feel like a cliff. But I like to think weā€™re rooting for you. Thereā€™s nothing like the adrenaline high that comes as pred against a pre-made FT. Itā€™s what keeps me coming backā€“through the bugs and all.


Fireteam donā€™t need nerfing, you need to improve, lots of mistakes, atmospheric headphones give away your position, if all pc players have that, youā€™re good as dead, playing like that, they knew what they were doing.

Like why didnā€™t you relocate after the grenade hitting? šŸ˜‚

I suggest taking @XViper advice on this one.

soling has never been easier with buffs ontop of last man buff.

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When you do 3k to a predator in less than a minuteā€¦ something is oddly wrong. As I said beforeā€¦ most FTs that play predator are better at FTā€¦ due to FPS aspect.

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This game has turned from a 4v1 into a 1v1 + 3 others


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Check this video all of you who is perfect predator player and win all games

What did I miss? There is no evidence of cheating in this video. That I saw anywayā€¦

I was the predator in this video and i am so glad he posted this because i was NOT recording and if you saw it from my point of view youā€™ll understand my claim, pause the video at 4:51 notice theres no one in my vicinity i was eating a pig and unless they were on a hill and sniped me from across the map it looked like cheating to me because.


It could have been an AI

They do more damage now

  1. I never claimed to be the perfect predator who wins all games
  2. i gave you constructive criticism so you could get better after watching your video,
  3. IDK what you were trying to prove by posting this as it is from your perspective of FT and not my perspective as predator.
  4. I remember this game and wanted a rematch and am glad you posted this I challenge you to a rematch with your friends and will record the game. In fact just sent epic request to you, get your friends together.
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Oooo Iā€™m so excited!!

It wasnā€™t i promise it was legit cheating from my perspective, again pause video at 4:51 hipster dwarf is in the pyramid complex only possibility was he sniped me from the second floor of pyramind but look at after game damage report hipster has 0 pred damage. , ruso was reinforcing with teammate i killed earlier, only other possibility Azzarro_lkl could have shot me with silencer across the river but i highly doubt that.

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If they donā€™t run it back and record againā€¦thatā€™s kinda sussā€¦

Unless it was randoms in which case šŸ¤·

I have been playing since BETA, i have run into cheaters only maybe 3-4 times in total, i know cheating when i see it. i was behind the truck they could not have seen me, highly suspect i get downed the minute hipster dwarf was reinforced, and he immediately quit after the match was over, plus he was the only one i killed in the beginning with no mercy, im sure they were randoms or maybe he was, either way i have lost plenty of games before and can admit when i lose, in fact i will post games of me losing, i can give credit where its due, however @Ruso there is no credit to give here, RE-MATCH.

A lot of PC players play low settings because they have average/mediocre PCs. If you look at Steams hardware charts, youā€™ll see that. Also, isnā€™t it fairly normal to play FPS PvP on low settings? e.g. CS GO, Apex, CoD, etcā€¦

I think this is a ā€œdonā€™t hate the player. Hate the gameā€¦ā€ scenario.

I play PC, fairly high settings (because I can, and donā€™t really care about winning/losing), but Iā€™ll change to lowest and see what a huge difference it makes. Iā€™m sure itā€™s night and dayā€¦


I like game.


Whereā€™s the ā€œI like turtlesā€ guy when you need him?


I like turtles

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