I’ll try to grab as much videos as i can

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Did you see your video on cysz gaming?

I always play with the cross platform turned off and win 9 out of 10 games, although I should also note the fact that the balance is now on the side of the squad and this is not normal

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what happened watch closely these guys are just really good ive played with all of them, what happened was, they heard your clicking (Illfonic @Courier @OldKingHamlet please turn that junk off) they threw a grenade in your general direction, once that nade hit, look CLosely you had green blood splatter directly under you, so the FT which all were running Yuatjas Bane started shooting and your health went down to 25% almost instantly then the sniper on the Roof which was most likely Dragos UA EDIT: TURNS OUT THE SNIPER WAS ARROW AFTER READING THIS THREAD, he loves to be sniper was on the roof and whittled you away, from the roof you can pretty much see across the whole map and with the game being HIT SCAN weapons for the FT competitive players will almost never miss. @Ruso You immediate went on the defensive watching this against these types of players your only shot is be more aggressive and mobile, as soon as you saw that grenade icon you should have leaped to the roof to engage the sniper and avoid grenade damage those things do massive damage. These kinds of teams were very hard to beat before and ive beaten them plenty of times, and vice a versa, however with this new Patch its MUCH MUCH harder the predator gets melted very quickly, your only bet now is wait until the AI swarm them and still engage aggressively and carefully, its not even worth claiming skulls anymore just kill them form a distance.

Honestly whatever Illfonic did in this last patch, as a Pred main who plays this game more than he should (currently over 300 hours of gameplay.) I have to say playing against Playstation players before i could be totally relaxed and mop the floor with them, it is now to the point where even Playstation Kids are more aggressive and if i start playing carelessly they will destroy me.

Thats coming as pred main who wins 90% of his games thats including PS4 players
against only PC players it 50/50 but those matches are super intense and not for the average pred.

are you on PS ?

Hardly a case for nerfing Fireteam. If PC players can just potato graphic their way to seeing the Predator from across the map it’s a PC graphics issue that needs to be addressed.

Umm…you know guys…that you can actually get a keyboard and mouse for your PS4, right?

while this is true most console users don’t have their console on a desk which would make that a reasonable thing to say
also the PS4 only has like 3 usb ports i think so you might also need a keyboard with a usb port for headphones cause i think most of the console branded headphones need like 2 usb ports or at least they did back in the 360 generation could be diffrent now

so yes we could but most people don’t have their console in a place to do that (as an example i actually used to use a mouse/keyboard on PS4 just don’t now cause i spilled a coke on my PS4 one time and ruined 2 of my USB ports and never bothered to purchase an extension for more USB ports cause it happend like last year and ya know PS5 was coming this year sooooo)


That wasnt the case of that game, no one in the video had low graphic settings 🙂.

Lol my headset is Bluetooth so no using any of the ports. The ps4 pro also has 4 usb ports just saying. But I understand. I dont think this game on ps supports mouse and kb tho

bad english alert !!
since im low graphic player, i still cant detect a standing still cloaked Pred
i dont know but that nade could be pure luck, after getting xp from that nade, they knew you were somewhere around that spot and start spamming spot

At 1:28, they got a sniper with good aim on the roof where you jumped to, that’s why you got melted in mid air and struggling to run away from him
next time make sure you located all of them and check the high ground first

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Love how you proclaim your trash skills that you have to play on the low graphic side

you dont know me, i really want to play on high settings, my pc is just a potato
why you’re so rude?
my skills remain the same whatever low or high settings btw


i tried to help you bro
i never said FT are weak or Pred is op, why are you mad?

Help me? Im sorry mate if ur computer is a potato I shall give you a pass. And now we will have to start you a gofundme to get u a real computer lol

believe or not
i prefer a realistic graphic gameplay than being op as FT. It ruining the game and no one want to play as Pred anymore. I aware of that of course
but i hope you take a look what i just said in your video

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My video? That video is not mine

yes, i just realized that 3s ago

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Lol. All good man

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