at last one coment using the brain! I only see on the comments excuses and justifications and a lot of people saying “Illfonic is not going to do nothing”… let me tell you a secret: if you stop reporting and tyiping in the forum cause “they do nothing” , they will do less than nothing. And yes, im agree with all you typed, its not logical that 1 single target can salin perfectly the predator and the damage they have… just for this, the easy matches… i am starting to think play station players did this. Casue they don’t give the predator a shot and they think is because is inmortal, so they asked for more damage and illfonic did, the result is: the play station players keep missing shots but the pc players now have become a nightmare cause they have precision. That’s my theory.


I wonder what people like Wolf_Mike_1990 or Snake2conqueror or Hunter or Jasonth13 or JasonPool or Scop_Sturmi think about this statement :)

These guys have more precision than 90% of pc players


So what, they’ll ignore the game harder? Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean it ain’t true. People have reported bugs, exploits, and balance issues (especially Ft’s extreme damage output) since the games launch and they’ve ignored them 95% of the time. If you want to scream into the void then more power to you.

Hey, he’s new but with his theories he’s going to figure out how to save the game using any one of the already suggested ideas used in this forum.

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Not a theory. It’s a fact

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think a little bit and use the logic. If you say something they ignore the 95%, that’s your words, okay so then… if you don’t report nothing… it will be 100% right? you really think the answer is stay silent? i think that is ilogical and more from conformist mind

Nope. The stadistics of the top tier shooter games situates the pc players on the top of the shooting precision in the games, you can’t have more precision than a pc player with mouse using a gamepad, that is called GENERALITZATION, if there is 2 or three people that has a good precision with game pad its ok, it happens, but in genral, the pc players allways have more precision than the gamepad players, that is a objective fact, not debatable.
Besides, you just have to go play to see the immense difference between the play station fireteams and the pc ones.
and now that I’ve looked at the name, I’ve killed Snake2conqueror in all the games I’ve found him…

oh, and by the way, I’d risk saying that I’ve been playing longer than you, more than anything because I started playing before the trial weekend, when it came out at gamecon… that’s without talking that I have more than 7200 trophies claimed on stream. So not new, difficult to take me to the plane of defeatist mind rather.

So people (myself included) have been reporting the frame rate drop issues that are multi platform for over a year, yet to be fixed. The audio bug running on now since Samurai first released two years ago, also never fixed. FT damage being incredibly strong, has been talked about to death since launch, nothing there. I can keep going if you’d like.

They used to somewhat show they cared a year ago but since then they have refused to make any balance changes in the slightest except for the nerf to the wrist launcher which is the exact opposite of what has been requested btw. Every DLC drop has been half finished and filled to the brim with so many issues that the next update is used to try and fix the issues of the last one, let alone make any new changes.

That’s nice and yet you clearly haven’t kept up with the bullshit.

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I think you are not understanding me, I am not defending illfonic, on the contrary, what I am saying is that we have to keep complaining and asking them to fix it, because for them it is very easy if we remain silent, in this way at least they have a annoyance and a community that protests

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Tried that, I then got black listed by the former mod of the forum and was banned several times over for any reason she could find. I even got banned once for literally following the rules she told me to review, fun times. My point is that they may have seemed like they cared but it has been proven several times over now that they have moved on to their other projects. Any amount of criticism or complaining will fall on deaf ears.

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well, you have given up for your reasons and I respect that, but as far as I am concerned I am going to continue making noise and you must respect if others do not want to give up without insinuating that they are naive or that they do not learn, perseverance is the key of victory

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Are you fearlessYT ?

I appreciate your willingness to want change as much as the rest of us, and trust me that would be amazing if it worked, but…so many of us have tried these last two years and have been very vocal, both publicly and privately. Bugs, balances, glitches, exploits…you name whatever is wrong with this game and how to fix them, many users have spent countless hours detailing all of them and either tagging them here, or emailing them directly. And to this day, no change.

We can all shout to Illfonic’s heavens, but, in the words of Henry The Red, “I dinna think they’ll listen, lad.”


Then I hope you have better luck than the rest of us.

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Fearerchannel on twitter and Garroshgritoinfenal_es on twitch

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@Mith ??

Yeah, he has but I think I got close to beating him a few times. He’s a good predator, he’s not a predator that I can beat by myself while carrying three potatoes.

1v1 doesn’t count