Nerf the smart disc and battle axe!

Smart disc shouldn’t have 3 discs idk what y’all were thinking 2 is fine but nerf the damage on it because getting killed by a flying disc isn’t fun i leave every time someone spams it and the battle axe needs it’s fast attack damage nerfed(the R2 attack) the heavy attack is fine but in 1v1 encounters it’s near impossible to beat the battle axes fast attack please make your game fun again clearly you guys don’t play this game 😭 and also fix the battle axe glitch as well

I agree on the battle axe. Not the disc, because it is not that easy to use.


PC players are so good with it it’s so annoying i just want it to have less damage

It’s because most people use high dpi on the disc, even PS5 players do it.
Some people even hit you 3 times, downing you and killing you on the spot with one Disk. lmao
The only really effective defense against Discs are the small Banana Trees, since their collision model is way too big and Preds get their discs stuck there very easily.


Mad cuz bad bozo


If you’re on PS, turn crossplay off. If you’re on PC, I don’t want to sound rude to you man, but deal with it.

I destroy PC players they aren’t a problem for me the disc shouldn’t be the only way a predator can kill me i mean it’s fine fine if it’s actually a challenge but it’s way over powered if it’s going to do that much damage then the predator should only have 1 disc not 3… back then this game was way better before the battle axe and disc metas totally broke the game do you know how many people start b******* when I use the smart disc i get hate messages all the time and when i use it I don’t only use it there’s some predators that refuse to use anything else and just makes the game actual trash balance is everything

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You shouldn’t care about what others say about your gameplay. I don’t necessarily agree with the disc, as you can destroy it and if you pay attention, you can dodge it or avoid it. I agree with the axe, although I am sure there’s a way I could counterplay it… I guess I’m just not that good.

If the other Predator weapon’s were balanced along with the Pred then we wouldn’t be using the axe, also how can the Smart disc be unbalanced? All it does is crash the game, or break the Predator’s AI

Hey i use the axe too but in a 1v1 situation it’s way to op

Just give pred the Sawz already

get gud

git gud

I disagree. Don’t git gud. Continue to get upset. People getting salty is the only reason I play this in solos. Your anguish sustains me 😄


For real though the axe is pretty silly. Disk I’m fine with since it’s hard to use and VERY buggy. Plus unusable with measurable ping

PC players with the disc is a problem

Shut up sam don’t forget to use your syrette bro 🤣

Yeah, but here’s the question…why are the other melee weapon’s utterly useless? Why can’t they be balanced with a lot of the Pred classes? Same with the ranged weapons, and also…why can’t Fireteam weapons be balanced, why are they too OP, why can’t every weapon for Fireteam, and Pred be balanced, but allow us to do, and put it on any class Fireteam, or Pred however we want, and not be too OP nerfed, but balanced enough, and let the person who is the most skilled win the match…where is that fun, balance variety?

Git gud, L + no maidens

The disc is fine as is. I’d agree on the axe but cmon the disc? Fireteam already has an edge by being able to melt predators so the disc is fine and trust me it can be dodged i see it done all the time it’s jus a matter of GIT GUD