Netgun and fireteam interaction

Okay maybe ideas wasn’tvthe right word. Contributions is better. Like his work on the damage/health/perk/spec stat values

Oh ya that shits always helpful lol.
I would call it stat tracking.
Number tracking?

Fk idk lol.

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Stop Nitpicking you nit picker you!

Il net pick you.

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I kinda get where this is coming from but I gotta disagree. I mean I kinda feel like the point of most interactions is that the FT is vulnerable and defenseless for a brief period of time the pred can capitalize on.


I agree he’s a cool dude but recently his ideas have been a bit odd

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I mean yeah thats the point lmao… you need to secure the area or risk it and just like do an objective and hope the pred wont charge plasma and shoot it on you

so technically what i heard from this topic is the fact the fireteam is not doing a good job with being a team lol, i still think you will need to actually interact with placing a flare rather than just come to the spot…

Honestly I’d much rather have more engaging interactions. Computer hack mini games and such. The exfil is honestly the one event I don’t mind the way is triggered because it’s kinda fun when the FT is split and you’re trying to rally there and someone sets it off and alerts the pred


Looks like its a bad thing for people i guess… i mean i wouldnt mind it being changed… or even if it stayed… im fine with it lol… but its gets annoying when one guy ditches and leaves u with 3 v 1 againts pred

Also i might do a re-work idea on objectives n shit but idk what to do honestly that needs a lot of attention and changing… probably how matches play out n shit

Remove preds only way of interacting with the objectives that he already has no direct interaction with to further encourage speedrunning


This is the wrong opinion to have since the predator has a limited amount of weapons while the fire team has a whole buildings worth of weapons, I think we need to buff some weapons while nerf a few (ES) but I also think that we should have new armor though the net gun shouldn’t be used when the chopper is called.

I personally don’t experience a great deal of what other do when they play AS Predator.

When I play as FT I run into more of the scenarios people talk about:

  • plasma spam
  • netting and slashing ft

Yet above things are deemed as “balance for the game”.

Don’t think it’s “we’re okay with pred getting fucked”, think it’s just common sense.

The balance and changes that are suggested for the game in it’s current state make no sense yet people would rather the game stay within its current state.

At the cost of a predator experience, its simply trying to make Wins viable for both sides.

Bandaid solutions to me.

I’d rather see fixes that made sense instead of these senseless mudslide balances.

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Why don’t we just give the Fireteam a remote control for the self destruct?

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Fine I won’t slash when I net someone
bow go thunk

The net would hinder your arms movement, pretty sure your hands n such would still be able to touch and interact with things.

Also think this is more meant for the last FT standing.

Can’t do much with a pred non stop shooting you net after net.

To each there own man lol.

Makes no sense our butter knives cut it and the wristblades don’t “due to balance”.

The due to balance phrase is something I don’t agree with and would prefer better and more well thought out changes or “balances”

I guarantee you just lost a match because you got netted while doing ropes. No, because that’s what really makes the weapon unique, disrupting the fire team and slowing them down.

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