Certainly lived by that philosophy against me the last time. I just don’t get why the good players want to use load outs like that aswell as idiots like Da-GreaT-1-Tony and light-unit108. I mean if yourse against a potato Hunter Fervent then by all means use whatever the hell you want he is still gonna die.
But what I don’t understand is bumping into a known community member who you’re friends with and then use Dante Field Medic, Recon Tracker Support and Dutch 87 with PDLs on a night map when the Predator already has 155+ms ping.
Heck last night I ask my friends if they can not use the most OP loadouts as I’m using the new Wolf with Tank mask and they wanted me to use Long Jump, Adrenal Boost and Down Range. What do I have to face in my first match? Assault Fanatic x2, Assault Duelist, Dutch 2025 Leader. Next match? Assault Fanatic x3 and a Dutch 87 or Support Leader I can’t remember. I also faced 3 Recon Trackers at one point and 4 Scout Duelists at one point (Scouts take more skill but still a bit annoying to have 4 mofos on your ass entire game lol)
I never use Support, or Dante so why do people have to use it against me is the way I see it. If there are already 2 Fanatics on my team i will swap to Assault Reckless or Scout Duelist. Heck I even play Isabelle a lot of the time. I do just fine and I’m no Wolf Mike or StUrMi or Infiniteplayz. If your teammates are using just one Leader you’ve basically won the game already unless that player is more casual/ass at the game.
Like if people played 4 Field Medics against me and always get a revive and then have the audacity to say ‘good shit guys’ or ‘git gud Ja5on you couldn’t even kill a 200hp Support with 60% damage reduction surrounded by other medics with 1011-12s and PDLs’ that’s the part that pisses me off. If they just admitted they were bad and needed it to win then I wouldn’t care. I might use a Hunter Analytic once in a while and then everyone gets on their period and says stop using glitched loadouts, when they were already using 2 leaders and 2 Fanatics and complain its not fair but then I really do not care if anyone uses a bugged spec anyway and never have unless its Field Medic, plus there is literally not a single Predator spec in the game that gives them an unfair advantage against the Fireteam anyway.
@SomeknowmeasXeno I think you’ll find these interesting anyway:
I have nothing to hide which is why I uploaded the 3rd match after being told to do so and its not like there is any shame as a PS4 Player losing to 4 PCs on night with pdls tracker and medic anyway so. 1st time I bumped into them it was night, shit ping, Tracker Medics you know the drill. Plus I didn’t think it through before selecting Elder Stalker with Dithered lens for night so yeah my bad but the 2nd match is the day one and the 3rd one was on Backwater night.