New patch is now available

Why would you buy this? C’mon man, you’re better than that. Here I was thinking you had some ounce of respect for the gaming industry.


gEe, We HaDn’T nOtIcEd!!!

Because I have excess money and will do as I please when I please. I don’t need any greater reason to do anything. I do it because I can. Also I enjoy cosmetics, I mainly play this to do designs.

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Gee, Xeno, you’re beginning to sound a bit like a stoic nihlist here… Welcome to the dark side, friend!
But seriously if you wanna do designs, get out some oil pastels and some paper lol
You’re literally a porn artist ffs XD

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Well yeah, nothing in any creator really, aside from one or two niche games, can even match half the options of the good old pen, but it’s still a semi-decent jumping off point and I like seeing designs in 3D as much as 2D. Also, my OCD would go nuts if I didn’t have everything. Can get annoyed that I buy the DLC, it don’t bother me because I understand why: but ehh I want options for this game. Ya wont catch me dead buying anything else though, already said if anybody buys Ghostbusters they deserve to be robbed. And I do have some standards… I haven’t bought a Ubisoft or EA game in… 16-17 years.

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2vs8 is definitely there, we had a couple of games last night

Where can we see this option ??
Ive nothing here.

Its called trolling

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… This Noob…


Laughs in 3DS Max, or one of those Adobe spinoffs, even

Has anyone bought a ubisoft or EA game in the past decade? How are these guys not bust yet lol

Also aren’t you gonna comment on my philosophical bear-poking?

Well I mean most here still seem to find enjoyment in it beyond three matches, so it must have some kind of lasting power.

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Yeah, the viagra of people’s sheer fucking retardedness. Honest to god, there’s still people defending this game and the devs lmao
It’s really fucking depressing.

You’d think that they’d figure out by now that the players want to have a 3v12 or 2v8 by now but you can only get that when you make a custom clash game mode so it would be the 2 preds vs 2 fireteams. Clash is fun but there’s gotta be a new hunt mode soon or this game will be a wasteland. Might find 2 or 3 fireteams at most and maybe 4 preds. I still play this game here nd there because I crush preds as fireteam and slaughter fireteams as the pred. They should give this games rights to the community and have the underdog game designers make the content. Illfonic is paying attention to the bogus ghost busters game they made. Give the rights up Illfonic.