New Sniper rifle and Isabelle are average in my opinion.

Being a FT main is irrelevant. If you think the FT is so much better that its broken, its a clear skill issue.

The fact that ARs are better then snipers see far less use its a good argument why they should not be nerfed.

Nah, I mean you need such drastic chances to the FT to win games as predator. After not playing predator for like 8 months and only did some clash and like 3 games at the start of the game, I’ve won like 4 out of 6? Something like that but it was month ago (and yes, in quick match).

Yes medic is damn powerful and having 2 on the team is pretty powerful but right now predator has specializations that have 1 shoot capabilities if played right.

Repositioning works wonder if the predator knows how to do it. Find a good predator that leaps about and knows how to the bow and see how well it works. Sharpy is a good example.

Yeah, its damn ballanced right now, before the armor buff to the predators the devs said the game is very ballanced from their POV with a very small lean to FT. Its quite interesting how they see it now, we got specializations and armor buff so I do believe they feel ballance is in a good spot.

Mob fallacy against instead of trying to adress the fact that most people (more so good predators) as well as the devs feel its pretty balanced. But I guess its more easy to call it a fallacy since its contradicting your point. Devs have logs, they know win/loss percentages.

Those facts you broth up are absurd. Tracking the pred trough sound ques is intended and part of he ballance. Predator has good mobility when attacking if you know how to do it (again, watch sharpy do it). FT can’t out DPS Pred, only very bad preds or when they make a mistake.

If you’re not using stealth at all its no wonder you think its not ballanced right.

Yes, that is the problem from what I’ve seen with controller (I don’t use one, I am on PC). From what I’ve seen people can’t turn fast enough with it.

The plasma caster point is that if you think it should be nerfed (the aoe) its another point the community does not agree on and I’ve seen Fire already jumped on you (he is pretty passionate about this one).

Tacking cover from mass PC aoe range is not as easy but I already know I can run from it, point is, you can’t out DPS him (point made above in your facts). More so now with certain specializations he is going to absolutely melt you if you try to outgun him with the AR.

The example you broth up with guns does not apply in the least to this argument. This is not comparing what does more damage.

I don’t see the point with what you said about EA or whatever. If they do things for money its something different then them saying they find the game ballanced.

You claimed you don’t care about quick games and how much predators win there. If you buff the predator to such a degree where equal skilled FT can’t beat equal skilled predators at medium level, you have a serious issue and it does matter. This is a video game people play for fun, not beggers on the street.

Not the same thing, devs said before the armor buff the ballance is almost perfect with a slight lean to FT. After that we had the armor buff and the rest. Its not exactly the same thing comparing bugs and similar things to ballance. Also when talking to someone about ballance the oppinion of the devs should carry some value since they have logs and what not.

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Except for the fact that I’m basing my logic entirely on facts

Also let’s ignore the fact that you admitted that FT may be op at the top tier

So your completely counter dictating yourself here by pulling back on that statement.

Of course you also used a 1V1 as an example in a 1V4 game and think A.I are a problem, and are telling me what gun to use even though I’m on the side of FT being op.

If anyone is biased it’s you for not being good enough to destroy FT.

You haven’t even gone up against death squads.

Use doesn’t mean strength

Except I don’t play Pred

What is this everything is just me being selfish despite the evidence that I’m not?

Seriously stop being an idiot

Congratulations you can beat randoms who have no idea how to play.

Yes he can. But they all put him in a vulnerable position that allows a tight FT to heavily punish.

Combine that with med kits and FM and there’s little consequence for a FT.

Did you literally just the same Fallacy again just after I called you out on it?


Yes you did


Let’s ignore the fact that a good chunk of people agreed with slavery back in the day and maybe now you’ll see why it’s a fallacy

No it’s easy because it’s not a good point

It’s called a fallacy for a reason

And they’re balancing torwards randoms

And broken

Ya but he has to resort to quick shots at best.

Those are just the people who don’t have high sensitivity. Seriously if they can’t even hit a running Pred bullet travel time won’t even affect them since they’ll just hit the Pred whenever they usually would

I don’t

I said I’d be fine with it

Your “death squad” doesn’t even have an assault or use the GOSLR for long range

My point is authority doesn’t mean right

There is no such thing because they’re completely different sides.

Besides even if there was, if the top is balanced, then the mediocre FT only have themselves to blame since the game has true balancing.

Sige DEVS once said that if pro players don’t like a balance change, it’s a good change because pro’s Don’t like change

Yet pro players have been actively asking for changes to the game and know the game inside and out and know more than just stats, they know why.

BTW those stats aren’t sperated into skill, only a game wide state with people who think a 1V1 is a good state to balance

Stopped reading here. Quite funny that you think that you being bad at the game to the point you think FT is so OP its broken are facts… Yes, facts that you are bad.
Also and for the last time, its not a fallacy to state that the people with access to logs and are actively developing this game have validity when discussing balance. If I would tell you to listen to doctors on a medical condition you have, would that also be a fallacy to you? Developers have tools to monitor how changes take effect. You keep throwing this to the point its become hilarious to how little you can even understand how that fallacy even works. Also even assuming it would be a fallacy, if you’re the only one who thinks the FT is broken and everybody else does not think so, perhaps you’re in the wrong and not everybody else. Then again I know why you keep throwing this one, to avoid presenting actual arguments.
Now get good and stop crying about it. Its damn funny to see how much you cry about balance instead of improving.

Dude this is what happened

“FT is op”

“Your just bad because they’re not”

Your using a bias to back up that same bias and it doesn’t prove anything

Use basic logic to prove your point and not a baseless claim

You’ve never even see me play

Also how is me being bad at FT making me biased against FT? Wouldn’t it make me biased against Pred?

It is a fallacy when you use it as evidence of balance

Especially when there’s no skill based matchmaking so how can they even tell who’s who?

They’re graphs include high tier preds facing noobs which doesn’t contribute to a balanced game

Actually yes.

In practice that doesn’t matter though since they’d be able to counter any of my points using basic logic.

Just so don’t go insulting me for not listening to doctors

At this point you’d think calling me a Nazi is a good argument

Yes including

High tier Preds versus baby FT

And high tier FT versus baby preds

Does that really sound like a fair way to balance?

Actually I’m in the majority

Not that it’s a landslide but if we’re using this I win here


and how slavery was okay


I need better examples of why the majority fallacy is actually good

I have

Preds stealth is useless because of sound and visual affects giving his position away even if he relocates

Mobility doesn’t help help because he has to slow down to attack

He can’t out DPS a FT especially with FM

Right right and your “death squad” that has a duel happy Dante, not even an assault, and a grenade spamming dutch, which means he’s either eating up all the resupplies or using weaker grenades like on the grenade launcher,

Ya I’m not convinced you’ve met a real death squad


I don’t even play Pred nor do I have an interest in doing so

Also keep in mind your the idiot who thought winning a duel made you a good predator

If that’s your statement on anything how are you in any way a good source for balance takes

Also again since your clearly fine with fallacies what about the fact that I’m in the majority? Or is it a “fallacy” now and everyone who agrees with me is also bad

Another thing to point out

You admit that the game may be FT sided at the extreme top

You haven’t addressed that a single time

Why aren’t you

At the extreme top FT beats Pred

That’s literally my entire point and you literally said it yourself but you never responded

Is it because it goes against your argument?

Or is it because you take it back? Because it defeats your entire argument


Personally she’s the worst Fireteam member to use. Slow as hell, low points and terrible specialisations. Like I want to put double time on her but then I lose damage dealing perks.

Sniper is alright. The problem with her is that there are just better options.

Assault or recon are better in every aspect.

Everything is better than her.

As much as “Buff Fireteam” is a meme, she unironically needs buffs lmao.

I can’t say I’ve given her full matches, but from a glance, I would say:

Replace Mud Cover Duration with Bullet Weapon Damage to work well with the Bonus Damage at Range Passive. It’s not even like she Mudded Up in movie at all. Plus no one else shares Bullet Weapon damage so it would be cool to see even though she’d basically become a Assault/Recon Hybird like Dutch 2025.

Buff her Perk Space by 1.

Eh, she has both Sniper, and Amphibious, the latter of which is S+ imo. Rushdown and Scavenger are on the lower end tho.

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