New Sniper rifle and Isabelle are average in my opinion.

She’s a Sniper, you’re not meant to be get caught/be in close range fights. If you wanna try and build her towards that use Thick Skin & OWLF Trained

Hip firing this gun is going to be fun

The SAWZ50 badly needs a nerf.

I try all build with her she it too weak

It is a plasma rifle reborn to deal more damage to the predator this time but with slower rate of fire. Pretty much. And yeah the close range self-damage is very high. 1911 needed


Because her HP are wrong. Looking at the health bar on the menu, she should have more hp points than Assault and about the same of Dante and Dutch.
When in match, she has 130HP

Try Thick Skin, Gearhead, and Fast Hands.

one shot, how much of a predator class does it drain its health! geezus when you put out percentages like 150 it means like whatever.

what is that horse power?

And she need 160 hp without the perk hp

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The viability of this gun still needs to be tested. As a constant dps weapon it hits the mark. As a burst weapon not really. This sniper is less recoil and faster shooting with a projectile. I feel like I can shoot it better due to leading targets like in apex and cod

158 damage
Divide that by the health of your predator, and that’s your answer in percentage of health.

You’re kidding… right? It’s the slowest firing weapon in the game. Just because a handful of really good players can perform surgery with it, doesn’t mean it needs a nerf. It’s fine where it is.

How about we talk about some buffs and other stuff? Give Predators more hp. Fireteam too. Give us longer matches and longer missions. Give the Predator an objective at the start of a match, besides fist fucking the Fireteam immediately. Give the Fireteam a slight bleed (or burn) damage effect on some secondary weapons. Give us better AI.

Fixing that sniper should be the furthest thing on their radar. Hopefully, the new one isn’t broken. I haven’t had a chance to try it yet though.

It got good dmg, the drop is most likely so you don’t do cringe map wise shots on the new map, use it as a DMR like all the others snipers.
For the average engagement range in this game, you won’t notice that it’s a projectile and will basically be hitscan imo.

Recon is the same way though. It appears they have more health than they actually have.

Already did and too weak

Fireteam has plenty of hp. It’s their fault for not taking the syringe

The damage of the SAWZ50 is so high that it almost equals the 7EN in DPS, it can knock of the mask in 2 hits, and you get way too much ammo.

Syringe should be locked in. Not optional. That was a horrible design flaw. Quick pressing LB should use the syringe and holding it should bring up the wheel.