Next DLC Predator Poll.

I mean big beefy AVP preds are fine by me but if they are going in order of release movies, Mr.Black will be first then Scar.

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Really? people want the Super pred? That movie shit on the entire franchise.


Is wanting to kill him included… cause I can’t kill him if he’s not in the game?


Guess you’re talking about the new movie lol. Absolutely keep those two predators as far away from this game as possible


Nah that movie is just pure fan-fic BS added on for a lame attempt for quick profit. Doesn’t deserve a mention.


… STGZ… OWLF tapes recorded by Keyes jr.

I think it’s to late.

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You’re talking about Predators? Because that movie is the second best under Predator. Predator 2 is honestly just bad, the last 30 minutes is a Predator getting chased by a cop way past his prime and then getting killed in a 1v1. Just bad writing

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The Predators… it’s the one you blocked from you’re memory, directed by Shane Black.

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Predator 2 is my 2nd favorite mostly cause of the amount of absurdity in it, and then Predators 2010 is my favorite overall.

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I hate movie like the genetic alteration concept minus the whole autism part, and those ugly pred dogs 2010 pred dogs are much better imo.


’ The Predator’ You know where the one thats immunue to bullets? That rips off a normal preds head, and then has 2 dogs, that one changes side because it turns retarded after being shot in the head?

And then all of a sudden when its 1v1, its no longer immune to bullets? That one.

Also predator 2 was an awesome movie, Better than anything after it. If i had to rate them… id go…

Predator, Predator 2, AVP, AVPR, Predators (was a last chance grab at some franchise cashing in that made no sense). and thats it…

Leaving ‘The Predator’ out of that list because omfg its that bad.


Fugitive predator!


To clear confusion Predators is 2010 movie with Mr.Black

The Predator is 2018 the shit fest.

The “THE” is key for 2018 movie when to referring to it.




This poll should be made after every Predator DLC. With all of the current options carrying over until all of them are in the game, as well as adding new Predators and Wild Card Options to the list

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I voted as a “next predator DLC” thing… don’t think we’ll see any pred this month

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Looking at leaks it’s gonna be a Predator as two are in the files and only one FT member is in the files being 87 Dutch

Ha! Suck it FT!

Good idea… A Pred Arena!!! Preds vs Preds… great option to train loadouts and more, without a 20 minutes queie


The blood pit!