Next DLC Predator Poll.

well not to burst a bubble or anything but throwing the word “Clan Leader” around doesn’t really hold. Clan leaders are the best of the best, the elders of elders. Clan Leaders are second only to the Ancients. Neca actually has mentioned before that the super predators and the regular Yautja don’t live together, or hunt together or work together. At least, it’s considered rare, there is Scavenge of course. Super’s don’t follow the normal yautja honor code, they kill and maim without mercy, so I can’t expect the ranking system and requirements to be the same.

So again, not trying to be a dick but… he’s a prodigy “among his people” (supers) and a legendary warrior and “Clan Leader” amongst a bunch of cheaters.

Also, just if you think I’m being a little too touchy about the Clan Leader thing, the guy I posted above “Smiley” is a clan leader. They are insane, literally crazy. Dachande (a famed clan leader) killed a xenomorph with his bare hands, suffering no more injury than a chipped tooth, he also has a queen’s head on his trophy wall (as most elders do)


I think the next dlc will be Billy from the first predator movie


Ohh damn, I didn’t know he had chain mail on him! He looks so sick! I played a little of concrete jungle when I was a kid, I don’t remember much of it. I want Wolf because his face looks awesome, match that with the Classic Mask from Predators and then this guys armor… ooof that would look hella sexy!

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I have to say that Wolf is a paradox - he is the main star of the worst movie in Alien and Predator franchises, but probably the most loved by die hard predator fans… Can’t wait to see him in this game!

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Not as interested in actual skin, although mr Black looks and sounds menacing, but whoever it is I hope he comes with some novel play mechanics.

Crucified Predator

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Yes, but he is the most skilled and the most ruthless, using the “he has no honor” doesn’t mean he isn’t skilled. Meaning he is the strongest among them. If he can gain the respect of other badbloods, he would easily kill any normal yautja.

I wish their DLC would be more robust

We get so little every month

Please give us more content

Judge Dredd expansion pack plz

Mega City One map

Judge Dredd FT DLC complete with lawgiver pistol that has multiple modes of fire

Bad Blood class for Predator

If it would be Wolf, id like to see the disintegrating liquid (1 normally, 2 with large pouch). Instant down of any FT commando or instant perm kill once downed. High perk cost. Laser grids for doors and thrown (3 normally, 5 with large pouch). 1/3 damage of FT commando’s max HP. Shuriken (can be destroyed), knocks FT commando back 10 feet (good for fall damage). If there is a solid structure behind the FT commando pins FT for 3 seconds. Operates how at like the disk. Does 70 HP of damage.

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lmao, you really just want to watch the world burn don’t you bro?

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Possibly but I really do want the Crucified Predator
He is by far not on the top of my list of Predators I want to have in this game, but he’s on it

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Oh I agree, especially as someone who missed out on the pre-order.

predator smile

I’ll bring the gasoline!!

I pre-ordered and I still want him

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Sexist! Give me Big Mama! 😂


The Murderer of Batman, wolverine, Magneto, Cyclops

she would be too powerful for measly little FTs


Exactly! Now give me Big Mama!


I happy being surprised by whatever comes next. Whether it’s a bad blood or comic inspired.

I do hope Dutch’s Princess/Egyptian makes an appearance.