Next DLC Predator Poll.

Alright everybody so its entirely possible we will get info about the update and dlc today so this poll will be closing soon, soo get your final votes in before its too late.

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Hmm I’m about 40 comments off here but shit no lie Pred-Alien for the win 🙌

Big and tanky like a Zerk
Vision like Mr Black (when Royce is behind the tree)

Light and heavy attack for claws and tail

Radial menu could have something like claws/Tail,both,roar/Hiss (I say both because then we have 3 separate weapons so to speak)

Target isolation would be and intenser version of the vision I mentioned but could also have a sent trail for the duration it’s active.

Transition in the trees would be the same but with the addition of if a FT member gets too close to you Can use a lock on attack to pounce onto the FT and slash away (would act like the net When FT are pinned to the floor) they would need to mash you off while you dealt damage.

Acid blood could act as a close range defensive for any stab happy chappys out there, not too much DOT but something that will make them sweat 😂

Slam could even be combined with overhead ponce Like when it lands it knocks everyone over for a short duration. This way you can get a few licks in and not just get melted like as if you was quick claiming while under fire. (This should not powerful enough to be abused tho)

Stealth kills are easy to work out, I’ll leave that to your imagination 🤣

Yeah you know what fuck ittttt imma start learning this coding shit 👀

Gimme a few years guys n I’ll get the game you all want 😎 🍻

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Well thought out, as much as I want Predalien most likely it will be Mr.Black since hes in the files, but an Alien can dream lol.


Yeah I’ve seen him lord pray his isn’t just a skin 😂

But yeah I’d say it’s double but again I’m not expert in that field 😅 but heck could you imagine being the last one to escape something like that 😨 I should of wore the brown pants today 🤦‍♂️


Anything that adds fear to this game is welcome imo.

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REAL Predator Berserker (M.Black) ❤️❤️❤️

Health: 3,5
Stamina: 2
Mouvement Speed: 4
Gear: 2,5



Wolf has no tactical advantage whatsover where as M.Black has elongated wristblade…rotarory shoulder canon and Drone. But go ahead…vote for Wolf.I know i didnt.

I don’t get the obsession with Berserker tbh. What did he do that was so cool?

Fought a crucified original predator and won after a decent fight

Got his ass kicked by Royce with an alien axe

what else did I miss? I mean yeah… I guess he looks cool, but I just don’t get the hype. Hell, Fugitive did way more than Black lol.

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I could see Wolf having a passive to hold more gear to represent his bandolier. Wolf could also come with a built in gear piece like City Hunter where he will naturally use dual plasmacasters. So one shot fired equals the equivalent of two. Basically so that if you’re going to fire you better have energy perks and or not miss because it will be really easy to overload. So you’d have the benefit of increased firepower but have to pay more attention to your energy reserves as a result.

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It’s all just opinion based, like I think wolf is trash but many people disagree. Mr. Black has a cool backstory and is probably the most badass and capable Predator we’ve according to his origins

Id rather get the masks and armor from the pred 2 funeral scene. That and Dillon, Mac, etc. its not those guys are doing anything rn

Hollywood… when you run out of ideas genetic mutation is your ticket to destroy the franchise completely. Ontop of horrible acting and a shitty story.


A Virus or zombies can have the same effect on franchise if it doesn’t make sense in lore of it.

Talking about the Neca stuff? He was the youngest to have ever killed a xenomorph right? Not sure there is much more to it than that.

He won the genetic lottery of his generation in tern’s of strength and intelligence

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Yep. They were more interesting and intimidating with the horns.



I want this predator, from what I heard he’s blooded and killed an alien hive planet with his bear fists. He also can go into first person view and shoot a spear gun. It is said that he doesnt crackle when cloaked and kills 8 FT members before they even leave the base to get on the helo… it is also said he punches through walls and his net-gun actually feels like barbed wire. I give you ass raper predator.




If fox says they can

I mean give me Scar Predator and I’ll play him like Smiley Predator

predator smile

If you don’t know who smiley is…

He looks identical to Scar but he actually killed the queen (that’s her tail he’s got there)

He was a clan leader, was viewed as a prodigy among his people, and he achieved legendary status among yautja