No PC Players do not cheat

You’ve actually got me thinking there…

He is a doctor you know…

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My point is if you dont hack or cheat, it really shouldnt be a reason for concern to you.

Its whatever.
But hes all, LeArN a ThInG oR tWo BeFoRe YoU tAlK.
When you have that kind of attitude it’s like omg, ppl hack boo fucking hoo.
If you dont that’s fucking great.
Now shit da fk up.

Ya true gaming.
Mario, sonic, etc.

Early pc gaming had what…
Oregon trail?

Suck it nerd xD

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fuck you, maricon mamapinga, hahahahahaaha


why would anyone cheat on this game when is so damn easy to win 90% of your games?

Why do pc gamers hack every other game they play?




Yo its been fkn ages since someone said mama anything lmao.
Mamate un bicho cabron xD.

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The problem is that in that forum many people get accused for the wrong reason and also many people turn off cross play with the wrong motivation. Turning off cause pc is better for that game is a thing, turning off cause pc is full of cheaters is wrong assumption.

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Why would anyone cheat on this game when It is already dead? 😂

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HAHAHAHAHA how exactly they do that? when almost every game out there on steam and other platforms deactivate any achievements when you use developer mode?

Why would anyone risk getting their account banned and thus, lose all their entire game collection over a single game?

You really talk about shit you don’t understand. Period.

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It’s a mystery

It happens all the time though so…

that is a very far fetched assumption from you

Eh that one person who seemed like had some kinda cheat was enough for me to turn it off.
I’ve mainly had it off cause of low graphics.

But it would be easier to set up hacks on pc compared to console.

That said tho, Im pretty sure it’s a low amount of ppl who actually hack, no matter the platform.

At this point tho I think it’s best to turn off crossplay because the state of performance on console.

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That’s 4 million jizz crusted losers

People do Make throw away accounts.
Jesus why are you so insistent that NO one hacks?

It’s a low amount but ppl do.

haven’t played since squadrons came out. it was a fun ride, but is time to move on. I’ll never buy another game from illfonic… they should rename themselves to ill’gaming