Noobs, Noobs, Noobs

In the last two days I just met noob after noob.

Maybe you know the situation: you are under melee attack by the predator and your team mate, standing in your immediate vicinity, does not fire into the predators back during that - he just runs away instead. As the two others already did. By the way: not in the same direction.

Games like that are quite unnerving. Unfortunately, at the moment the randoms player base seems to be flooded by beginners and beginners who even are not team players. So such games are predominant at the moment.

So, I am pausing now. Maybe in some weeks said noobs either have left or become suitable team mates. Anyway,

I wish you guys a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! And Health!

Cheerio, Bonator


This is IN EVERY game.
You cant escape it.


I for one welcome our noob interlopers. Nice to be able to take a more relaxed pace when hunting for a while.


See, typically I get braindead noobs for teammates and a predator with at least half a brain. Then, as Predator I typically get some really decent squads that give me a hard time. Then, I go back to FT and its braindead again.

I can’t tell you how many times I soloed and second winded the predator last night and my team wouldn’t back me up. Worst one was I am getting jumped by Predator and they ditched. He left me to bleed out, but I had SR Syringe. I went to my teammates while they were downed save one. T-bagged the 2 who were bleeding out and left them. Same for the last guy then let Predator kill me because fuck those guys. End of the game I had 4k Predator damage and they barely scrapped 500.

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Oh those poor beautiful fools


Its not the balance we need but its the balance we get.

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the life of solo queue. its like playing the lottery lol rip


and what is the problem? we all started like this and eventually started to team up and make friends in the game.

This isn’t a AAA game that most of your gamer buddies will buy it. Among all my real life gamer friends only like 4 of us have it, and we rarely play together because we now all live in different time zones and have different preferences when it comes to gaming. Aside from that, except for me, all of them got it months after the game was launched.

best thing you can do is start to recruit and teach them. we still do it whenever we encounter some random who’s active on coms. regardless if they play good or not. Getting good at this game isn’t hard, specially for FT

Sometimes it honestly feels like the people who play this game have never played an online multiplayer game in their lives


That is possible. I know that big classic IP games like predator, aliens draw non typical gamers. When I played Age of Conan there were a bunch of players who never played an mmorpg before. They were just fans of the ip. It was pretty rad to see these old people who never played a pvp game before become brutal killers over time. Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks?

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Got back with the last update and played a few games the day before and some today. Yeah, that is what I find. I don’t even understand how some people function. Imagine being the last guy alive, almost dead, the reinforcement time is done and instead of mudding up and running away to try a reinforce, you go and start shooting computers to do the mission.

On the other hand, had 2-3 games where I had competent players, the predator could not do shit and he was pretty good.

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I had 3 games, all PS4 players and I’m on PC vs 3 Preds in a row on PC.

They didn’t do much, PS4 Fireteam in 2 games, 3rd they did some dmg, but I ended up doing the most in all three.


Even those PC Preds got killed in every match.

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There always were times, when noobs cumulated. But two days in a row - all the time - I cannot stand that anymore… Please tell me, that this stops…

:) Yes, from POV of the predator - now it is the time to play… Good hunt then!

At least I am not alone:) Maybe it’s time for discarding the whole “random pubs” business and entering the “premade” business. If that just would work on my PS4… Do not know why, but joining a session of PS4 friends never worked… Anybody any idea? Any PHG specific settings I have to take into account?

Exactly! I asked countless times “why didn’t you go for the reinforcement radio” afterwards - no answers, as no microphones…

Maybe we should start a No-Noob-Event? I mean, something for the “middle-class” players who neither fit into the top tier nor in the noob category? What do you think?

Not sure I never had a problem joining when invited

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You ain’t kidding, cuz. As Pred, I only lost once in the last 4 days. As FT solo, I’ve had only noob teammates and its been tough. Earlier today, @Batman1 and I had to basically carry most of our teammates. Some didn’t have any gear equipped, some had no perks and almost none used specializations!! I’m not even that good. I usually run the objectives because Bats is the crack-shot, but I help however I can. If I have to carry a team, you KNOW FT is in deep shit! 🤣

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Game on console needs COD level aim assist and controls because I know these potatos can play COD.

Jank is not a learning curve its just the telltale sign of a lazy console port.