Not even going to bother.

Both are in fact fucked.

Well, I didn’t even play yesterday, but at the moment, I think the sawz50 and uncharged bow need a 20% damage nerf, field medic needs at least a 50% interaction time nerf, and the explosive radius of the plasma caster needs to be reverted to pre 2.05.

It was a good ride, but I doubt these changes will ever happen, or the bugs will ever go away.

2vs6 doesn’t work , friendly fire for preds doesn’t work

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broken for PS4, work fine for PC…


Have you tried deleting your save data?

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Has anyone tried today?

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Ya I’m staying away until they fix it.

Last time we had non stop crashes it made lose interest in the game and lead me to the first break I took from the game lol.

Honestly why should we for the 10000000000000 time?

This is the ONLY game company that has ever asked me to do this in my almost 30 years of gaming…


No just playing today? Has anyone who tried to play to see if it is still kicking ppl?

If it’s like last time, until we get a hotfix it wont stop.

Nope, feel the threads that have piled up this morning have swayed my decision.

I don’t need this kind of negativity in my life.

I thought they would eventually learn, not make us learn how terribly treated we are as consumers.

They really don’t care lol. Only in it for the money and the hope and prayer they can move onto another game. Bet.

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I feel ya im watching voodoo atm to see if he crashes

U tell em man…

Tell them to optimize the game engine too… its broken for both console and pc players…


Fuck it.

Give their code to fortnite and actually make this game functional.

Might as well go get some AVP action in Fortnite from now on…


Why is it whenever something that should be announced to any social media site (official forums should be a given) regarding a problem with the game we’re never told anything and we’re just left in the dark.

Seriously though every single other company will put out some sort of message saying that their servers or the game is currently experiencing some sort of trouble and that they’re working to fix the problem but here? Nope, ya get nothing.

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What universe did we wake up in, us as consumers, witnessing something we love be torn to shreds and we have NO explanation from the company directly that ANYTHING is being done.

What kind of ass backwards business practice is this, by stringing out your consumers with limited to no content and not even providing a working foundation, while we paid FULL PRICE for this.

Im left wondering when consumers can actually have this horrible feeling of relentless hope it will get any better anytime soon, to stop and we actually have some form of expectation set by the company so we aren’t dropping ourselves on our heads as consumers for the future.

I’m so sick of this shit. Unbelievably exhausting.

I just mean in general, why is it that dev communication is so piss poor that one person can’t just say there’s currently an issue with such and such and we’re looking for a fix as fast as we can.

I guarantee you that people would be a lot more forgiving than to leave them to suffer in the dark without any explanation.

I truly thought that with these last two updates that they were making progress and being more involved with the community but when shit hits the fan they fall back to old habits.


It makes me sad that you’re losing hope because you’re one of the most likeable and dedicated players here. This game is lucky to have you and I hope Illfonic can fix this soon so we can hunt together once more!


Did they learn nothing from being dropped from Friday the 13th?

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