October DLC

The LAPD is 100% militarized by the time of predator 2. What with the drug war and all that. Very Cyberpunk setting P2 had. For the time.

Have you stopped and re-think maybe it wasn’t that Dutch was inferior to Harrigan and that City Hunter was just less experienced than JH87?

According to lore CH was an unexperienced Youngblood. Left too many clues around. Constantly made mistakes. The environment itself was more difficult than the jungle.

IMO, Harrigan had it easier than Dutch. Plus he had help and knowledge, which most of the time is more important than experience and training.

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Didn’t you know?

Harrigan was the very first Heckarii

All praise the exalted one!!

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It will be trash dlc that will come out like oct 29th and it wont be anything thats going to add more fun into this game already.

I love it!

Whole model? A scout shaped berserker and a different forehead would have been passable

They’re like a whole head taller and the head is massive

Probably an issue with making other masks fit too.

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Pffft , the crucified yautja was a midget , probably a smoker.

I meant doing that wouldn’t have taken much effort compared to what you pointed out , but its less of a kick in the balls than just the mask.

City hunters head wasn’t movie accurate either , in the movie he had that rocky Dennis forehead


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They would have to work some real magic smushing Super’s head to fit the current masks or just leave some extremely abhorrent clipping in

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They should have got the team that done cavills tache for advice

Ich FĂŒhle mit dir. aber mal schauen was ein unnötiger predator kommen wird (es wird ja kein predator aus denn filmen kommen also unnötig)

I got fingers crossed on some new fireteam perks. Or a new fireteam gear or weapon would be nice too. Something useful.

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Looking forward to an update! Can’t wait to see the next Predator we get! Maybe some cool new perks!

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For real!? Is it so hard to just stop with that constant “the game is dying” stupidity?
If you don’t wanna know what the new dlc will be you’re always having the free choice to leave it or to remain silent.

At least I don’t see a point in constantly pointing it out other than just to be annoying.

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Riddle me this batman: It barely surpasses 50 viewers on twitch, it was free on PS Plus yet was barely boosted, the forums where it’s most hardcore players go is hardly active and it’s bi monthly update patch notes are smaller than a dwarf, what is it?

You get a free Riddler trophy if you guess right.

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Im ready to answer the puzzle
Is it dead game?

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It is a dead game, but what dead game is it?

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This game?

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Congratulations you get a free Riddler trophy!

And you also get to live