October DLC

That’s a worse plot than The Predator.

Give us the OP predator

It must be hard being so rigid 😅

It might be a bad plot but it’s logical

It’s pretty bad.

Its the same reason the AvP comics didn’t go that far and just sent machiko home.
Suspension of disbelief. you’re like better of introducing a mind control device at this point.

“noo cleo died to arnie. we’ll send in our ultimate weapon…the pianist - as a regular human but with wristblades, an axe, cloak, and a gun!”
The battle will be legendary!

Machiko wasn’t a mercenary

She just wanted to kill xenos

He has intimate knowledge of humans which would be invaluable to the Yautja

They probably directly inject autism and Yuatja DNA into him creating the ultimate hunter

She was the ultimate mary sue alien slayer human I think that’s more valuable.

The comics could’ve easily asspulled uwu she’s mindbroken and totally a pred now time to go kill people with the bois she’s gone native

but they didn’t because its cringe

It all comes together shane black was a genius

You really out here fucking calling Machiko a Mary Sue?

Machiko lacks the desire to kill humans

She’s only good for killing xenos

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I don’t know if you looked into the later comics but uh

You have no idea what a Mary Sue is and this shit is why no one takes it seriously anymore and says its a sexist dogwhistle because this stupid bullshit ruins it.

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I honestly don’t get and have never understand this whole secrecy thing. It really adds nothing positive and just helps fuel the resentment so many people have against your developing team.

If we only had some feedback from you guys regarding bugfixes (that you are actually working on the bugs we have submitted, if you need more help, video documentation, specific scenarios where the bug is triggered, etc.) maybe… just maybe, people here would be more positive with you guys.

So far, keeping everyone in the dark has done nothing but frustrate and disappoint everyone.


Machiko is like, 15% Mary Sue, she isn’t a perfect do gooder/goofy goober head ass.

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1v1s your alien queen

1v1s your pred far better than arnie ever could


She never killed the Queen. She was actually trying to get away. In comparison, Ripley killed 2 Queens.

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I’ll level with you at 15% for her saving the day antics

Ripley was done at aliens for me

Fucking Dutch being made into the ultimate Pred Hunter is more bullshit than anything considering he spent 90% of Pred 1 getting his ass kicked whilst Harrigan did a way better job than he ever did with less prep time and less training.


Also true Dutch was pure 1/100 luck.

Harrigan chased this guy back to his ship and stopped a nuke from going off next to an apartment complex

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Do we know Harrigan’s past?

Perhaps he was in the service as well?

If not the LAPD is definitely militarized so I don’t think he was less trained than Dutch

Except for jungle survival techniques

Yeah Harrigan is the way cooler protag and deserves more recognition. But hey, Dutch was in the first movie and has a more famous actor so he gets the spotlight. Simon Belmont Syndrome.

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