Off topic: The Division PS4

I know this is off topic but hear me out!
So I’ve bought the Division along while ago and took a long time out from it for like 2 years!
I decided to sell it recently and while waiting for a potential buyer I thought about playing it.
I didn’t realized that the game is formidably longer than I initially thought.
And although the online partnering match making requires PSN+ which I don’t have, you can still play it solo and play it pretty well.
I’m not even sure if you partner up with someone on Discord that you might be able to just hang around without doing match making and play with online players this way, I don’t know.

The grind is pretty cool and after 2 months I’m at lvl 20 now.
So far the progression seems pretty organic through the lvls and because of this grind, you need to avoid higher tier encounters near city blocks that are higher than your lvl otherwise you get melted.
There are two massive city map unlocks.

  1. the Dark zones (which unlocks at some point after lvl 20)
  2. the larger 30-40 lvl outskirts surrounding the central area(0-20lvl).

and the system of cover and fire is essential to this game.

All in all I find the ability to jump back in to this game playable especially if you remember to level up your weapons and armours.

I’m wondering if anyone here is just playing this game right now, even if Division 2 is out already. I still feel like the first holds up.

The progression in this game surprisingly makes more sense than say a game like AFTE but then there is far more story missions and progression streams to make it last a long time.
I kind of wish AFTE would be more like Division because the mechanics/ tools/ weapons/ are really really similar.
You have gun Turrents/Flame Turrets/ Electro Turrets to name one.

The technology in this is far more advanced than anything you would see in any MW type of of game. Its advanced in respect to a Weyland Yutani world with PUPS that map terrain, and show you elements of the world.

The irony is that the setting is the modern world today and not the future.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Cold Iron buys this engine out to make AFTE2 which we are hearing a lot of fake news lately.

Please don’t tell me this is your first time playing The Division, you’re late as fuuuuuuck dude

yes i am late. i had stepped in poo.
There are still 2015 build issues like how everything sometimes will bug out and lag including the menu because of internet issues.
But all in a all its impressive gameplay on this platform.

The division was a pretty fun game , I bought the second one and only played 20 minutes of it , might give it a go again.

I’ll play Division 2 with you any time, just need to give me your PSN, I’ll help you grind what you need. I couldn’t be further into the endgame so I can power you through pretty much everything

darn, i dont have PSN + which means I won’t be able to journey into the Dark Zone areas at all.
I still don’t know why people randomly show up at the Safe Areas though and I think I can follow them into the single player maps. That is if they don’t disappear because they aren’t tracked.

im not inclined yet to buy Division 2. So our matchmaking will have to wait!

Tsk, dude I’ll just buy you a month of essential. Wait until it’s on sale on PSN, you can get the ultimate grand poopah edition for like $26 when it’s on sale

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i still dont know what the plot is. Dont spoil it!

You say things dog.

Did they add realistic mods? I hated the whole 20 headshots but still breathing aspect of it.

The water gun division

More like it…

It’s $15 for the Ultimage Edition right now. Offer ends August 1st

its 13.75 on the ubisoft store before july 25. makes me wonder…wonder wondering.
lol i can find them on ebay dirt cheap too.


Nawe, im still trying to get though the first one! DOnt rush me!

Savor the first one, the atmosphere is unmatched. Div 1 was such a vibe and it’s a shame to see it die

yeah its set with the winter theme which is rare in games except for Arkham Origins and RDR2. Division 2 is like summer heat and probably feels a lot like playing The Last of Us.

Not really, the world is alive and always has something going on. If you get into the higher difficulties, there’s patrols around practically every corner. Dark Zone is no longer that active, but it had a cheating problem for months that was partially resolved, mostly invisible or god mode glitches. Doesn’t happen much anymore though thankfully. Game is still really fun with friends

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I’ve finally completed The division rooftop comm relay. I have to say holy shit was that ever complex.
About half of this mission was like a much needed step by step process, but man was it ever difficult to figure out.

If anyone is on this here is a little guide:
Go in fresh with full med kits from the near by Safe House. Get the final checkpoint of the mission without using any medkits or grenades which you will need, and take your time and get to the rooftop saving at each checkpoint.

Use the high powered turrets with the Smart ball bombs that explode incinery grenades as your Abilities.
Rock the turret ontop of the roof of the door where the first guy comes out of and fire up the electrical unit exactly when the dude comes out and take him out with an assault rifle immediately.
Follow up by tossing the smart grenade balls towards the next three dudes and if they are close enough fire up the other electrical unit to electrocute them.

Try your best not to use your meds on the first 3 waves because they are going to be the easiest.
Disengage your turret immediate after they are taken out.

On wave 2 which comes from the other end of the map, take them all out as they run out using the scope. This should at least remove 2 dudes from this area but 3 or 4 will come out.
Toss the turret exactly where the bridge ends so that they have no where to run. Take them all out at your convenience.

the 3rd wave is even easier, you should be able to secure them with the smart bomb balls. At the same time, the 4th wave starts.

Now the 4th wave is the hardest, stay at the bottom of the 1st wave platform beneath the platform and underneath the staircase view is where you should funnel the low powered dudes and get Glass and his elite partner one by one. You should be able to toss smart grenades and regular/incinerator grenades at this point. Be sure to try to engage Glass as soon as he is at the top and try to chase him down the stairs as the game will end when your boy JTF engineer who is working on the antenne gets killed.

I did this at lvl 26 where this mission is 22-23. Its still pretty hard.

Some of these missions really do have a process that makes it easier as opposed to flat out run and gun. I loved the mission with the elite sniper and the 2 big assault gun guys at the theatre because the elite sniper is a pujy and never leaves the balcony, and the 2 big assaults can be taken down slowly on the entrance staircases. This is what really makes an interesting game. Its not impossible to beat.

You need to give me your PSN. I will help you, I’ll even nerf myself down to your level

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no man i dont even play in the darkzone, tempting though. fucking online games and their subscriptions!

The Division?
Don’t play it for like 6 yrs.
Still one of best online coop games ever.