Official PCDS Predator: Hunting Grounds Tournament - World Championship Edition

And let me say this, so you guys stop with the shit posts.

Anyone who’s not participating on it, their opinions about the tournament will be ignored.

Those who are participating have expressed some concerns and I have politely explained to them why things are the way they are. If as a collective people agree something must be changed, then it will be. But it will be a decision made from the people who participate. Anyone else is just shouting to the sky and nobody cares what they have to say.


Some people just feel the urge to show everyone they are “the best player in the world”. Self-esteem problems maybe. I don’t care. This tournament is not for that. Anyone who wins doesn’t mean they are the best. It just means they played the best, following the rules and guidelines of playstyle, within this group of players.

I don’t “want” a different style of tournament.
I’m just posting an opinion. But i’ve figured out that there are too many pointy noses around here who aren’t capable enough to accept a simple opinion different from their own.

So you don’t accept my opinion of what the tournament scoring should be, but you want me to “respectfully” accept yours? FUCK OFF!

BTW if you took a bit more time to analyze and try to understand the scoring system you would realize there is no way the pred with the least wins will win the tourney.

That’s not irony. I pointed out something on your rules thar aren’t fair, and shared something to maybe make it better.
What did you do? “Make your own tournament” “their opinions will be ignored”.
So mature…

I accept what the hell your are making of it, i’m just saying it isn’t fair. Is that too much complicated for you to understand? If you don’t agree, just explain why am i wrong, don’t give those 8yo kid answers.

I already did

Ok. Fuck off then.

Oh so I guess I’ll just fuck right off then. I wasn’t gonna join the tournament because of scheduling conflicts but now I’m definitely not going to join.


Flapjacks and hookers? Count me in


You don’t have to be so humble all the time you know

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That’s just impossible.

OK. Want a different style of tournament all you like. Why are you posting about it if you don’t want to do anything to make it happen?

Believe me, i would if i could.
Between work and family, my time isn’t just enough to make that happen.

That’s understandable but why you gotta shit all over the people that are trying to do a community event despite work and family?

Don’t try to tear down, if you don’t have the time yourself, find a few others and together make something that represents your views of how a tournament should run. Stop being toxic as a default.

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I have family and work too. I have to oversight almost 100 matches during 9 days. Do you think that’s gonna be easy? But what feedback do I get from a lot of people here? Nothing but complains and negativity.

I’m thankful that the people in, their feedback has been quite the opposite and I have received nothing but cheers and good job about it.

If I make a tournament with no rules, like you play in Pubs, we all know who’s gonna win as pred and ft. Where’s the fun in that? The idea is to play the game differently. Get everyone out of their comfort zone, and show how versatile you can be as a player.

the rules are there to encourage that, though at the end everyone will play however they want to and hope for the best.

I’m not shitting over no one. Jist posted my opinion. I was the one who got shitty answers.

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“it makes no sense” sounds pretty shitty to me