At this point im just waiting for hamlet to reply to my topic saying, “i sent this suggestion to the team” and i can sleep like a baby
Okay hear me out guys/girls
I hate it too
Yeah ive been playing 3 days in a row just fireteam and i can confirm as sniper main with assault its annoying when u have branches blocking ur bullets…
Make pred ads while moving as fast or faster than ft. This alone is a step in right direction. Then change pred to actuall strafe
This game can barely run without crashing. The preds projectile weapons don’t even go where you aim and the frame rate often drops to about 10. In other words James Cameron has doubts that the game could even handle semi real projectile physics. Hit registration would be abysmal.
Maps too small for any real bullet drop with snipers hoss. What we need is to not have every ft member walking around with extended magazines. You literally have 90 rounds on standby with most builds lol
Yo Coffee2Go, interesting aspects - which might improve the realism - but…
If e.g. head shots do bigger damage than body shots, that just would increase the imbalance for ranged weapons between PC and PS4 (as with a controller a head shot is quiiiite difficult to impossible - at least with a fast moving target).
So, yes, why not – but NOT BEFORE the PS4 players get an aim-assist…
From my POV the predator experience could be improved first and foremost by de-bug-ing.
For example: if a barrier is right before a soldier - e.g. a small stone - the soldier automatically moves sideways - around said stone.
Whereas the predator got stuck by ridiculous mini stones - nearly invisible.
Why is the controlling so different between predator and fire team? Starting with the predator having a third person view, whereas the fire team comes with a first person view and A LOT OF OTHER STUFF - most of it annoying when playing the predator - if you ask me.
My guess: the predator and the fire team were programmed by different persons or teams. They maybe did not talk too much with each other before/during/after that…
So let me ask all of you: which controlling do you prefer: predator or fire team?
fireteam =>
This is one of the main problem. Fireteam can go literally everywhere. On the other hand, Predator will stack in small invisible objects and can’t run toward or leap.
See thats the thing lol… while predator is affected by laws of physics…
Fireteam however is not lmao being able to snipe from any distance with any gun honestly except shotgun i think lol… altho shotgun still has insane distance xD
As i said… adding what i proposed will fix the infinite balance changes people want… and also it will fix people wanting aim assist…
Im just saying that adding what i proposed will open doors to many possibilities for them adding aim assist, bullet drop, apply physics n shit…
But you have to admit, that a predator with a mass of maybe some 150 kilograms should be able to shift aside a small stone with maybe less then 1 kilogram easily. So said getting stuck everywhere when being the predator is definitely not “law of physics” but simply a bug.
Furthermore it is one thing to improve the realism of the game play - e.g. by bullet drop (which I would do appreciate) - but another to do the same for the controlling. My PS4 controller is far from moving in a natural way using legs…
So, before one increases the complexitiy and thereby the difficulty of the game, one should decrease the difficulty to control the predator first.
I am now playing some three weeks - and I needed all of said three weeks to get used to the basic controlling so that I now do not have to ponder about which button to press e.g. in a hurry-scurry situation. I am just starting to feel comfortable with stearing the soldier (as I said, I discarded the predator early).
If you want the game to be successful for a long time, it must not deter newbies by an overly hard to learn game play / mechanics / controlling etc…
From my POV the game first has to be simplified - e.g. by controlling-assists. At least for the predator - the poor guy…
After that I am completely with you - your ideas concerning branches, bullet drop, different damages for different body parts are naturally all basically fine and desirable.
If you want a bullet drop introduced fast, then just implement it for PC players - so that they have more problems to do impossible shots. The PS4 players already cannot do that…
It is a ps4 title. Let them have assit on hip fire but not ads