Not necessarily i will explain why…
lets take in example… @Fire he said he likes to rock bolt action sniper right… which is 1 shot per clip and it takes like 1 sec to reload… and sometimes mostly like every second shot would get stuck on branches and hit branches only… and predator thinks he is safe… and then Fire needs to keep hitting the branch until pred realises that he is getting shot at… while fire had clear view on predator lol…
You following?
Basically the thing is… predator isn’t doing anything much lol except camping up on branches being untouchable by branches which many people hate… including myself too… that’s why i play auto sniper to get rid of branches XD
But with my idea… the bullet penetrates rough branches… and not necessarily hitting preds head… maybe like torso giving him 25% dmg to be like oh shit time to go and dip… plus it would feel satisfying on both ends…