Old painless and grenade launcher needs a buff

I feel like old painless got nerfed to an almost unusable degree. When the game first came out it and the grenade launcher were both really deadly .

For the amount that old painless slows down your movement it should be deadly for a close range predator. I mean like second wind if he’s in front of you for more than a couple seconds. It’s range sucks as it is, it takes a half hour to rev up, at least make it high damage.

The grenade launcher and the Proximity Detector Launcher thing should be combined. At least then it wouldn’t be a liability to use it. Make it the secondary mode the way impact grenades used to be.

Anyone agree?


I agree they do need a buff especially ever since the grenade launcher got nerfed to oblivion. I’m pretty sure the Minigun has been useless since the beta but because people were shittier they could get away with it.

Perhaps making the grenades stick to surfaces may make the GL better or just upping the damage but that just sounds lazy and less fun I’d rather stick a grenade to a teammates face.


You liar. Minigun is op and you know it.

Jokes aside yeah bring back impact grenades in the launcher and buff minigun damage a tad to make it reasonable



Beta grenade launcher was absurd and spammy.


I think the Minigun’s mobility should be buffed to about half speed of your character and the Support should get a passive that allows him to ignore mobility giving him full speed with the minigun


Wouldn’t it make the Proximity Detector Launcher and the grenade launcher more useful?

No it would make them OP. That proximity detector is a pain


proximity detector launcher is the most scummiest shit added in the game to purposely ruin predator stealth stalking gameplay.


it legit is pain… its not op in a sense it does anything to u… it just ruins your fun… i legit just kill the guy whos using it instantly… i cba…

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Hell no!
I don’t want the same balancing from the trial weekend again.
On day two of the weekend, it was basically the absolute meta.
Everybody ran around and smoked the trees with impact grenades, once the preds came near, everyone melted them with their Minigun, which had a very low bullet spread back then.


i mean to be honest impact grenades even now from hammerhead… they are pretty op if u ask me… i used to run that before i decided to use revolver only just to make it fair and realistic.

But yeah before it was ooooooooooooooop

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Stick to anything. That way you can load the Predator up with sticky grenades. It would actually make the Grenade Launcher more than just a joke.

Ol’ Painless needs more damage and a tighter cone of accuracy.


If u ask me minigun is dope for clearing out the branches on the tree’s

True, but assault rifles can clear branches, and they can melt the predator at Long Medium ranges. There’s just not enough reason to pick the mini gun over the other secondary options.

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Sadly XD

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Nope! They are ment to just play around with!

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No impact nades.

Nah, it’ll be fine. Just like disco!

The grenade launcher? I don’t know where to begin. I’ve barely touched it since release. I have yet to max it out. The arduous reload on it alone is enough of a turn off for me. Nevermind just how unreliable it is in general. We should be able to manually detonate nades by right clicking or whatever the PS equivalent is even if you lower the overall damage out put for it. The thing is neither practical nor is it fun to use.

The Mini Gun? It’s situational and can get you killed if you don’t time it properly. I rarely use it these days unless i have some reliable bait with me on the team.

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No seriously it would be broken.

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