Old painless and grenade launcher needs a buff

It was essentially a rapid fire RPG.

Just two people running it fragging trees was ridiculous.


@Fire no I remember what it was like.
I think a nerf to fire rate would be fine though. The limited ammo makes it almost as impractical as the rocket launcher. Effective for fun but not much more

Until you get 4 ft shooting at the same time with the alarm blaring and an AI swarm and you just watch the frame rate die.


I’m serious about making the D34-D grenades sticky. It would be the best compromise.

It’s a thought. Would make for some interesting tactical gameplay trying to drive the pred into them.

I’m thinking, if the predator goes for a quick claim in front of the fireteam, you stick two or three grenades on it and there will be no way to avoid the damage.

That makes me uncomfortable. In fact I almost think the grenades shouldn’t stick to pred at all. For the weapon to be effective, I figure the fire rate would be so you’d probably get off two stickys in the time it takes for a quick claim. That’s practically insta death

It’s fine. There are limited ways to make it a viable weapon. I suppose if they made the D34-D grenades as powerful as frags that might be the best alternative. It would need to be very powerful in some situations, otherwise it’s just better to bring the Hammerhead or Mercenary. If it could only stick to surfaces, that wouldn’t really help much.

Maximum damage was only 250 before the last patch.

I would allow them to stick to Pred if the grenades did damage to whole Fireteam, that way I can Kamikaze the whole fireteam and get 4 downs at once. Then heal up in front of them all.

Well, they’re not going to add friendly fire to public matches, so

It’s technically not Friendly Fire, it can be classed the same as someone shooting a barrel and it exploding and damaging another player. If it’s like that then let them be sticky.

Can we change the name of this topic to:

“Cloak needs a buff and predkour needs fixing”

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Yeah, a berserk just kind of walked towards me while I unloaded on him with everything I had and he just clubbed me with the f****** hammer and then tea bagged me. That really shouldn’t happen with a gun that was originally taken off of a helicopter


For close range DPS use the GROW or ARW. The mini gun is not very high in DPS, it’s only upside is a large magazine.


Hah get fucked


But seriously how does a Minigun have less DPS than an assault rifle. Especially with all it’s cost.

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The depressing thing was he started from quite far away


The balancing from when the game first came out was a little too extreme, but it made sense given what these guns would be like in reality.

There is no reason to pick a gun that makes you walk like turtle if it doesn’t kick people’s ass.


Aw is poor Fireteam sad they lose because of using a mini gun and grenade launcher? đŸ„ș TOUGH SHIT! 😡 Buff Predators because of the constant spotting ability, perks and now freaking gear, Predators have shitty cloaks and using melee weapons to KILL 4 PEOPLE WHICH SHOULDNT HAVE TO BE SO HARD SINCE JUNGLE HUNTER DID IT! Sorry I’m not feeling well today 😔