Old People fucking stink

Two types of old people IMO the ones that are self-concious leading to depression if they’re left alone or the ones that are like screw it.

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The ones that rent cars from me are definitely a screw it type of people cause they are always coming form an airport or we just got back from out 7th vacation this year. Lol. Or there address is in the Rich part of the area

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Wonder which risk is higher;. Taking a shower and risking a fall and head trauma or poor hygiene and risk of infection and sepsis and pissed of car rental dealers

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Mhm. Well if old people would take all the offers that are offered to them they could all have that ugly step in tub.

They probably already have rumba mosing around the house, which doesn’t help

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I have a rumba, Its pretty useless. I take good I got it from a Amazon Pallet instead of buying one

@MassImpact124 you gonna defend yourself :p


Also the loss of bodily control… Humans were not designed for such long life

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Lol. After years of roid use his bowels are as loose as Goose on a moose

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I’m excited to be old, I am gonna start so many performance enhancing drugs.

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Yeah man. Get the gas station street fighter pills. Go go Gadget super boner

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Medicinal marijuana - puff, puff, gas

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Na, I want to go full Mr. Olympian, I’m gonna get master roshi level of swole, I’m going to have so many steroids in my system I will I’ll perform a Kentucky Derby champion

I grow my own, Canada for the win

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I’m on death bed with cancer, can’t talk. Chemo.

All them Roids and Slim jims

Their still in my gut! It needs a flushin.

That’s probably why you smell like rotting flesh then

Final act as an AI in an RE game

Spoiler alert - you are going to be old someday aswell