Old People fucking stink

No never. I have a plan in motion. That on my 55th birthday a clown is going to skydive and drop an anvil on my head while im at a anvil support group. So nope wont be a old stinky.

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Why not just go skydiving and instead of a parachute, wear a backpack with an anvil in it? You still have the clown skydiving and if you practice enough you could land on the support group?


No I want to traumatize the support group cause they have the fear of the anvils falling from the sky. Was gonna do a piano but didnā€™t want to ruin a perfectly good piano

I struggle to see how what you just said is any different to what I just said

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You donā€™t, do you . Where can I read the updates on this? So I can make sure I dont miss that support group , I will wear my favourite raincoat and everything

Iā€™m going to find your workplace, enter and shit right on your desk, young man! You will respect the elders!

But actually, seniors emit a kind of smelly oil from their skin as they age. Most people have at least slightly oily skin somewhat, but as we age, it tends toā€¦ferment, so to speak. Everyone does it. Just deal.


Its called the smell of death , the reapers breath