Old rework post, ignore. (Fresh post linked)

2 monitors is very useful



Twinsies? Lol

It plays well to me, i stalk, hunt, wear them down, chase them around, stealth. etc etc

Bar a few bugs and yeh maybe some exploits its all good. I mean thats what the next patch should do. Fix the bugs that would give a better idea of what needs changing if you wernt running into bugs etc

Yes thats usually the playstyle you can get away with when playing against not so alert players and teams full of randos without comms. But even though they can no longer snipe you and end your life not long after seeing you, the problem was, and still is, that against even a decent fireteam, going into the trees and lurking will end in you being spotted. Difference is they cant merk you outright from it.

That. Being said. Man I have not seen more than one or two decent teams since the last patch. Its like once they realized they couldnā€™t bully pred anymore they left. Which is sad to say.

yeah i want it to be really hard against a good team, PC players that have been gaming years, turned the music off, have the sound real loud. they can hear exactly where you areā€¦

I think thats the only thing that needs working on. but it only needs to be a tiny tiny change. not a huge nerf. they should still hear where u are, just not the exact spot.

Half the time the blood gives me away, your standing still and cloaked and a bit of piss bleeds out of you and gives you away.

And i agree there are either less great teams now they cant dominate - OR - the patch fixed that and they are still there but finding it harder to dominate - OR- there are many more new players so you find those ā€˜PROsā€™ less often.

I imagine its a mix of those things.

I think focus on bugs and QOL then come back to ballance when things are working as intended, that will give u a much better idea what is OP/UP when your not having bugs in the way making it seem OP.

Like now i have the leap ability in 2nd wind i feel like u can leap too much. there isnt really a threat at all in 2nd wind now. BUT maybe if the other bugs were fixed that wouldnt seem so bad if they went back to no leapsā€¦ like i get stuck a lot when running off etc on small objects etcā€¦ so idk.

Fix shit then go back to ballance after i think is what is needed personally.

Agreed. Personally I can pick out a pred within the first 30 seconds hes anywhere close.

The blood. Oh gee man I feel you. Pred should not be oozing blood unless he is in second wind. Period.

Yeah I think its a bit of a mix between the new patch making it harder to dominate, and just a large influx of new (or old but play like new) players.

The bugs still do happen quite frequently, but aside from the occasional framerate drops or high ping, I dont ever really have an issue stomping. The only weapon that as of right now as pred feels completely useless is the handheld plasma. But ive made it work before. its just tedious lol.

Simple solution is to make each leap in second wind take an amount off the timer bar. that way over leaping can force preds death quicker. While still being there if he needs it.

I agree, we should fix shit. But Whats gonna happen is, people are gonna get attached to a single playstyle that works because the balance is fucked, then its gonna get reworked or nerfed or even changed a little and a ton of people are gonna flip the fuck out, and peace out, and leave the game behind. The quicker we get the balance down, the quicker we are likely to keep our playerbase. Of course the absolute most major gamebreaking bugs and some optimization definitely needs done, and I am all for waiting for that first. But balancing what we have should be a priority, above even new content in my opinion. especially when you consider that we have a ton of cool shit to play with, but alot of it is either ass worthless or really damn good. Too good, to the point of smelling like cheese.

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playing female pred it feels like a period LOL!
I think 25% health the blood should start and get worse. but not even a tiny bit if ur above 25-30% health.

I like that idea.

We have just had a abalance patch, im not saying never do it again, just give it a month or 2 and gather the stats that tell you the true story. not going off tom dick and harrys opinion of whats OP/UP because that totally depends on their play style and what they are good and bad at, not what actually is OP/UP from a statistical standpoint.

So thats why i say, BUGS/QOL while we wait for that data.



Yes/no. Its pretty clear that the balance pass made was a band aid to a severed limb of an issue.

Not to mention, a lot of weapons still are useless, and even if we drop the numbers and ignore the ā€œBalanceā€ we still need to look at the role.

Unless they nerf the combistick why the fuck would a pred use anything else other than for the sake of looking different while he kills you. The combistick does everything a melee weapon does and more, whilst the elder sword, and war club, are just faster swinging, and more damage dealing, variations of wrist blades respectively.

My point is, this game is gonna get stale quickly without variety, and variety needs incentive beyond just cool predator club gos bam durrr. Ya get what im saying? Im all for new content, but I dont have a lot of hope when half the shit we have is really just worthless. And you dont need to crunch numbers or see the data to see that. All you gotta do is load these weapons into your loadout, and realize that youd have more fun with something else. And thats not because they just arent your playstyle, its because they are outclassed.

The only people I see having fun with over half the pred weapons, are the people that like to suffer lol.

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i agree yeah. no issue with balancing but i think if thats the next patch again and again and again. they could add some of those changes alongside but i think bugs need to be priority but not totally ignore balance if something is obvious

No argument from me there. Both need to be addressed

Hmm yeah I noticed he was pretty slow while crouched. But some people could abuse complete cloak while crouched so much XD ! I think I would only change the cloak when the predator is attacking. He should stay cloaked IMO.

As for the fire team, maybe they should do like in F13 and bring back only one Op FT member. A young Arnold schwarzenegger screaming to get down to the choppaa would be badass AF !!

Also, maybe some mechanics do disarm the bomb could be a good change. I find it a bit weird that we can disarm it so easily without any information on the device. We should find some alien infos scattered around the map, that could give us the possibility to disarm the bomb. I think it would add more challenge and gameplay.

What do you mean by only changing cloak when pred is attacking? be more specific?

For the fireteam, I like that we have our own characters, rather than classics. However, Im not opposed to a dutch skin or similar stuff like that.

I agree completely, the bomb disarm is far too easy. That being said, I think that the idea for the need to collect info scattered around the world to disarm the bomb would be highly tedious. Especially since you never know if you will actually kill pred. That being said, I would like the explosive radius on the bomb to be increaed quite a bit.

I meant that I wouldnā€™t do much changes to the cloak, beside letting him be invisible while he attack. Maybe let him be invisible while he stay still even when not crouched.

I know that scattering parts would make it harder, but it would be the goal. It would still be easy to kill the pred but not to disarm the bomb for extra xp/credits. It would also be a good reason to increase the session duration. They could maybe give some hints, like the towers for alarm but for the aliens pieces of info.

Currently pred is invisible when standing still and cloaked. though the vision can still make the eyes glow. I dont think he should be able to attack and remain cloaked, unless at range, and even then, attacking should disrupt the cloak no matter what he does for a short time.

The idea is good, for sure, about the scattered info. No doubt. And I wasnt saying that I personally wouldnt like more shit to do as FT. However, the problem comes in that most people would find it extremely tedious I imagine to go on a scavenger hunt on top of everything else. Still, It is a good idea.

I was referring to F13. Killing Jason was pretty demanding. Even when you had all the elements to kill him you could fail. I would just like to make the disarm some kind of an epic ending.

I donā€™t really mind for the cloaking or the reinforcement TBH.

Thats a good point. But also keep in mind that this isnt F13, and F13 while still asymmetrical, was kinda completely different. Not saying it wouldnt work. It very well could, especially if the hints arent too difficult to find. but still.

There is already some similarities. Like the alarm towers that looks very much like the tommy jarvisā€™s tower in F13 and the reinforcement radio. But yeah I donā€™t want an F13 clone neither lol

I think that no matter what, this game is designed in such a way that it couldnt possibly be a f13 clone. its still too different.

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Final Update on post for the night, Please Discuss!