Personally, its not about being a solo player.
Its about not having a damn mic.
I play solo all the time, and even if Im the ONLY one talking, Its still easier to coordinate than no one at all.
Too many players dont understand, it doesnt need to be premades, and I absolutely dont want only PC players to be able to wipe pred. However, If you arent even trying to coordinate with randoms, well thats unfortunate.
Games like these unfortunately play a certain way, and if you arent willing to play that way, you will likely have a bad time. Its unfortunate because obviously we want more players in game. But right now we have far too many casuals, because the people that actually like the idea of this game, probably mostly left due to it playing like a dumb ass rush blast. The point of these changes is to slow down the game, make pred more viable, but increase the skill in some ways. As for the fireteam, right now coordination is especially needed because if you split for even a moment a pred is gonna rush. The idea of these changes is to slow it down, so that pred doesnt just rush and wipe the team.
By proxy that will make fireteam more enjoyable, and make solo play not as difficult.
At the end of the day though, my opinion is that pred should be strong, and hard to kill. FT should be legit scared, and trying hard just to survive.
Thats the point of asymmetricals, and whilst this one is different than DBD because you can kill pred, and i want that to remain the case, It still needs to play like an assymetrical, Because otherwise more and more people are gonna leave, and stop playing, until the game dies.