To fix parry make it cost stamina. When the Fire team player is exhausted he is then vulnerable. I think that would be fair. Its absurdly free as it is now. You are not timing it or doing anything impressive. You are mashing ‘v’. It undermines the effectiveness of the BIG BAD in the 1 v 4 scenario heavily. I’ve solo killed a Predator just with Parry/Melee/Parry/Melee. I get he probably could have backed off, but why should he have had to? He wasn’t being shot at, I was alone. That should never be a disadvantages scenario for the 1 in a 1 v 4. Take that scenario add 2 miniguns or whatever shooting at the predator whilst hes locked in that stupid animation. That’s not hard to set up for your team. For Predator players who are frustrated just know the counter play isn’t strong but it is there. Pick the Combistick, Bow, or hand held plasma gun, once you get stuck in that stupid animation back off and shoot. This will greatly reduce your dps because youll be firing alot slower then your melee, and you’ll probably be getting fired upon the whole time, but hey! At least you can bug out, and try to find a way around the Fireteams ability to kill you from a distance and deal with you up close! BALANCE! All jokes aside you can still win, but its definitely easier to win with fire team right now, and yes its because of parrying.