Pasma Splam on pred is OP

The balance/gameplay elements are relevant - lore isn’t really an issue unless they start doing stupid shit like giving the Pred/FT silly abilities and weapons

Don’t put it past them. They’ll do it.

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Oh I know, that’s why the FT have got a Plasma rifle.

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When 2 FT members out of four can out dps a Pred in plain view… Ya God please forbid it. Not to mention we blame the game not the players (at least most of us do)

The Predator can, with one hand lift a body builder. That one parry (the rest were deflects that were clearly hollywood fighting) does not make sense within in the lore.

It makes no sense and was hollywood doing hollywood. That was Predator 2 not making sense for a moment.

Like how every one complains about that one moment in AVPR.

While I’m able to come up with an excuse for it, that’s me writing the script, not the writers actauly thinking about what they were doing.

The FT needs to be somewhere near where your blasting. Either through a wall or around the corner.

All the FT has to do is push and stay in the open.

That is single handedly the worst piece of advice i’ve ever read. Especially vs a “competent” Plasma Caster spamming pred. Also Predator 2 is apart of the “lore” is it not? Then they wouldn’t have added any City Hunter content. Soloing the Predator in the lore is “realistic”. Take for example one single 7.62x51 round out of a Vulcan Minigun almost offing the Predator in the first film.

I actually do agree lore doesn’t matter, it’s just that’s how bad parries are they break lore as well as everything else.

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Really? So you’re confusing a spammer vs. someone effectively, efficiently using the Plasma.

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Personally, if parrying were to be balanced, it should be saved for the “Last Man Standing” effect, and then buff it a tad. I read along time ago that the dev’s tried to implement a system where if there were a certain amount of FT members in an area they’d recieve buff’s/debuffs and so on, and didn’t end up working sadly. If they were to re-implement that system i’d say that in a group- FT member’s shouldnt be able to parry/stun the Pred infront of the firing squad.

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That’s why i put “competent” in quotations. No confusion there pal.

A competent FT can out dps a Pred. So ya.

It is but being part of the lore isn’t the problem. Halo 5 is apart of the lore but the fight scene between Locke and John is still a problem, because they’re inconsistent.

Spartans are a lot faster and smarter than the slow brawl they had.

Predators are stronger than the city hunter was at that moment.

He got hit in the leg…

And was still running at full speed. He patched up a wound that’s it.

Why people over exaderate this

And if course there’s my whole stance in lore that I already stated, we agree and I was just saying it also has problems on top of everything else as an additional dig.

I think LMS should just received. Ahuge health and damage boost personally.

I’d take it over nothing that’s for sure.

Well there is…because you’re using the word spammer as if all the pred is doing us lobing plasma blindly in the general vicinity of the FT and counting on AOE damage. Very easily countered by moving off location and pushing mission.
Competent people don’t do that. They charge shots, pin you down and force you to work as a team to push off the threat. Which is possible with hitscan weapons and competent fireteam that knows to maneuver. When to stick together and when to split and flank.


I suppose I should expect every limpdick FT Main to spam the broken parry and knife and whine when Predators don’t play in a way that gives them the advantage to win in an already unbalaced game. Have you also messed around with the key mapping in order to be able to parry and do both the primary and secondary knife attacks all at once? God forbid Predator play in a way they have a better chance of winning.

I played against you some weeks ago when you were using the Valky Pred, you used plasma through most of the match, I don’t blame cus my team wanted to used Field Medic since 2 of them had just started to play the game again and they asked me to. When you tried to use melee, you went second wind, we didn’t even had to resort to parrying, the damage per second of the FT is so high we didn’t need that. You only killed the Scout at the end cus he went afk and when he came back the 3 of us were far calling the chopper.

So even with plasma spamming you couldn’t win. Most Predators will never be able to plasma spam their way into victory even against mid tier 4 PC fireteam, plasma isn’t a free pass into victory.


What do you mean by spammer? As in nonstop uncharged shots or fully charged shots? If it’s the first one use a sniper or any assault rifle, if it’s the second do the same thing except don’t stand next to each other.

Pred can’t move for shit when using the caster and they can’t stay cloaked for too long either when charging. If you’re having trouble avoiding the projectile then start running while your team you know shoots the pred.


The ladder. And i agree, sadly there’s no real way now to punish the Pred for using the Plasma Caster, and especially with dithered lense.

Dan doesn’t use lens though.

Read this before you agree with me

Even with dithered lens you can still track where the shot came from and watch out for the next shot and then punish with a sniper or grenade. Pred can only take 3-5 shots to their mask before the caster becomes useless.

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Exacty. I use lens and in privates matches against certain players, I could get only 1 plasma shoot before being spotted and sniped by recons with tracker. Against top tier FT, you really can’t just plasma spam your way into victory.


Lmfao well i’d love to see that attempted, even with shaders on low.

Dan has twitch, before he played against Stoagie, he was doing privates against those guys. Some matches didn’t go that easy for him.

Bottom line guy, the Plasma Caster is broken atm and there are too many braindead idiots like yourself abusing it.