Pass or Play (June DLC)

And its not the best example out of the handful that have been pulled here either , but I’ve already said too much 🤫

Samurai wasn’t OP though?

Dutch 2025 is just a Tanky Assault if you really wanna get down to it.

City Hunter is the most arguably pay to win character in the game to be fair, since he has increased movement speed and Gear Space, barring less actual space (2 items of choice).

I forgot if Viking even had an impact at drop, and Valkyrie was admittedly oppressive at drop.

Dutch 87 and Dante I’d say are strong but not OP.

You’ll note that I never begrudged anyone’s opinion of the game - simply laid out rational and proportionate ways to respond to that. Obviously constructive criticism is always welcome, but a lot of what I see here is neither constructive nor voiced in a respectful manner.

Acknowledging the right to different opinions doesn’t require blanket approval of how those opinions are expressed. When people have a valid concern, but do nothing but howl it over and over, often in abusive language, that is not an appropriate form of expression. It’s just bashing.

And if anything is likely to turn away prospective players it’s a toxic player base. To be honest, I don’t enjoy checking these forums for that very reason, but it’s the only way to get the latest information on upcoming releases etc.

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Don’t kid yourself into thinking that the majority of opinions expressed on these forums are anything more than the whinging of a small, entitled, highly-vocal minority. The rest of us are out there just enjoying the game and trying to distance ourselves from the embarrassment that is these forums.

That may be the case, but it doesn’t change the fact that fans have a right to voice their complaints. Complacency is literally a weakness.

I’m not against voicing complaints or making suggestions at all. But how you express something is just as important as what you’re expressing. Frequency is also a factor.

The reason I come here is because I am interested in making this game better. I am invested in it. But all the vitriol thrown at Illfonic and fellow players is detrimental to pretty much everything.

Don’t blame us. Blame them for being so stupid they can’t fix simple issues even a year out. Illfonic isn’t really showing what they’re capable of. Lack of staff may be a problem, but you’ve got to pick the game up off the ground or players will keep leaving. The majority that are trying out the game don’t stay long anyway.

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Opinions wise , I can agree with you that there has been alot said based on personal Opinions, which everyone is entitled to .

Anything I have personally said ? Isnt opinion based . Its based on the games state and progress so far .

Has illfonic said contradictory statements in regards to this game? Yes , is that my opinion? No .

Does the game have glaring issues? Yeah.

Is it the only game to have issues? Obviously not but that doesn’t excuse it either .

Opinions are subjective , facts ? Thankfully, are not . Pointing out such things is for the betterment of the game and gaming as a whole , because they cant just do or say whatever they feel like to get you invested into something and once you are invested? Just let things run wild .

I do see your point of people just running their mouth because they like to hear their own opinions and shoot down opposing ones , it is a double edged sword .

From the start there was negativity , even i would say it was early days and with everything that was against the team , you could cut them some slack 100%.

But 12+ months down the road? And the more you look at the developer it has been the same issues with pretty much every title they have done . Gradually they have moved onwards and upwards , but that just raises more questions about how it is always the same pattern ? You cant come on a forum and expect to put your opinion out there when there is no right or wrong answer , but try and say people are wrong? There is no right or wrong , but going on the facts alone? There is something valid amongst it all

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Illfonic then takes all platform issues no matter what hardware irregularities they have and bottle them up into one folder.

I told them: Add Platform specific folders
Their answer was: No that would be counter productive for their QA team
Result: Forum members are thrown a garbage dump full of mis-manage gripes unrelated to their platforms and there are a shit ton for 1 specific garbage platform called PS4 base model.

So considering that about 100% of the PC players on Epic and Steam don’t need to read them, they are intentionally throwing the molotov into the forums to make it a pain in the asses for those not experiencing it as much as it is a pain for the players that are.

Cause they aren’t actual fans


Last tine i checked this is not an Illfonic devs reunion where our crtitics should be either constructive or destructive.
We are just answering to the poster’s question and expressing our opinions, wishes, thoughts. If that isn’t what want or like, too bad for you. Who popped the question didn’t complain, so…

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