Passive traits/attributes - Never Displayed?

So the patch notes revealed and confirmed to me that classes have passive traits.

Scout Pred doesn’t seem to burn energy on thermal.

I feel like Hunter has less cloak drain.

Assault now has secondary weapon bonus damage

Scout has better team revive speed (?)

So I have looked over all the FT stats and Pred stats and either I’m blind or its not on display anywhere.

Knowing these traits could definitely help make better choices and loadouts for play styles and perks.

The FT shows traits along with Stat differences on Class Select menu. The Pred sadly tells you next to nothing useful besides some but not all stats.

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I gotta take another good look.

I might be going blind now fuck.


But definitely need to update this to be a bit more clear.

Yeah that much is undisputed, lol. More info the better. I hate having to scour the internet and forum just to find answers to what should be a simple question with a easy to locate in game answer.

Hunter has the most energy, scout the most stamina, zerk most health. That’s about all Ive gathered. A buddy of mine says he notices scout has a faster overload charge.

This is all that I know of that the game doesn’t directly tell you. Or at least I feel it doesn’t.

Scout overload is about 8 seconds depending on perks, hunter around 15

Scout does not seem to use energy in thermal, it uses a chip to turn on then will recharge while in thermal.

So there are passive perks and traits but they don’t tell you this stuff at all!

Ya we need more info.

I would love to see passive ranged damage increase for the scout.