Patch 1.16

Maybe that why they locked a map? Imagine if they locked 2 at the same time? Tho, I wish it was blackwater first.

I will never buy a new game for this company Iā€™m 100% sure, hope some better and smarter people will take over this game and do it better without stealing money to their players without even listening to them.


@Courier are you guys smoking crackā€¦ why did overgrowth get removed
The only map that made predator actually a predator for the most partā€¦

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Also Illfonic anyway you can fix the traditionalist trophy last one I need and it wonā€™t pop for me

Since we have weapon variants now, I can hold out hope for alpha bone spear and shuriken!!

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Bone spear and AVP spears(elder and normal), but shurriken could be something new, m8.

First patch notes impressions:


  • General
    • Increased stamina parry cost when parrying the Sickle, Katana, Warclub, Combistick, and Elder Sword
    • Increased amount of time before reinforcements mission is available after a Fireteam member is downed


  • General
    • Reduced second wind cooldown

    • Reduced duration of stun after being parried

    • Lowered the frequency of Predator clicks when cloaked

    • Net Gun

      • Added slow effect to netted victims
    • Smart Disc

      • Increased melee damage


  • Net Gun

    • Lowered requirements to break free from the net



Why does the patch have so many bytes?

but pl[quote=ā€œVENN7eance, post:36, topic:12536, full:trueā€]
They removed a map, of all things to došŸ¤£ RIP OvergrowthšŸ¤£

but players just hoped to get some new additional maps ā€¦ but they got ā€œminusā€ 1 map instead ā€¦ enjoy XD šŸ¤£


NaH they said they are bringing it back lol soonā€¦ but yeah i was hoping atleast one new map lolā€¦

well thanks for the new look of main menu
sooo overgrowth have some issues and you disable that map? Thats total weirdā€¦ so for now players have 2 mapsā€¦no 3 maps but only two mapsā€¦
i dont follow that forum and i dont understand what issues have overgrowth my favorite map to grind exp and money
And still no new map? No some urban city for City Hunter or some downtown? Nothing?..shame

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Thanks for the update! Love the new Dutch Scene Recreations on Main Menu!šŸ‘

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i think city hunter looks ok.

the texture of the back of his head is missing and looks bad. i feel the mask dimensions look a little off but that is due to the game head model.

the starting animation where he roars you can hear the piercing sound from when he gives himself steroids in the movie after losing his arm. is that supposed to be in there? kind of weird why not just start the sample at the roar?

sad to see thin lock hair bug not fixed and the other crippling bugs mentioned.

city hunter clicks sound different, pretty neat. nice new menu.

will get to bug reports next week.

To whomever is already testing: plz tell us that the auto-claim is gone

This whole game is starting to become trash with no new updates for maps fireteam ect, my whole team of players are outraged and confused as to why illfonic has literally dropped the ball on fireteam making it harder and less enjoyable, yeah yall wont ne getting our money anymore.


Iā€™m guessing the plasma caster animation is still bugged and static?

Awesome Job!!! Just loading in now trying the City Hunter btw the new clips in the menus are pretty cool

I like this patch.

Parry changes look fair against those weapons.

Also predator needed a slight buff, slow effect in exchange for reduced button clicks to get out of net is also fair.


Wow you guys did nothing to make game better for FIRETEAM. Are you guys on drugs? Good luck finding any decent players on it now- why? Cos I am deleting this garbage - so much fireteam bias in this update and nothing exciting


Once again fireteams get nerfed because of whiny ass Predator mains who canā€™t deal with them. Such a shame. The parry system in this game was a joke before, itā€™s more so now. The fact that Predator can find the Reinforcements radio before itā€™s activated is a joke as well. Why doesnā€™t Illfonic just handcuff our hands behind our backs for the whole match? Iā€™m beginning to lose what little faith I had in Illfonic.