Patch 2.0 Part III - Crossplay Party Invites

Hey, so I’m not sure if any illfonic staff will see this, but I think most of us who still play the game and enjoy it are looking for more maps and missions, as cool as it is to get new cosmetics, I do want to address some things.

Note that some of the masks have 25,000 price on the shaders that normally are 7,500.

Fire team is definitely more op with certain predator perks now costing more, I think it’s obscene that a predator running impenetrable has been standard, and yet still gets shredded. I don’t think it’s an easy fix by any means seeing how Yautjas’ bane is a reasonable perk, but an entire team running it makes winning nigh impossible. I understand that it should be a challenge, but challenging and improbable are two different things.

If you don’t believe me I have footage of me and a squad literally shredding predators for fun, and as silly as it was, it makes playing predator not so fun.

I also hope that crate drops improve, even with all the new stuff, I’m still getting solid duplicates each time I open crates, I want to be able to at least get common cosmetics for the new weapons instead of duplicates for old ones.

It’s not a terrible patch, but I feel like it’s not nearly as balanced as it may seem, and I know I’m gonna get alot of fire team kids telling me that I’m just a bad predator, but I’m not playing predator, I’m playing fire team for the most part.

What I’m advocating for is a better game experience for everyone, I know that’s crazy, but games are fun when everyone is having fun, games die when core issues aren’t addressed and the player base either becomes disinterested or discouraged, this game has alot of potential and as a fan of the predator universe it’s most definitely what I wanted out of a predator game, it just needs some fine tuning to keep it’s replayability intact.

With that being said, I appreciate all the work that’s been put into this game, and knowing how niche the audience is, it needs to be enticing enough to draw new players in before this game dies. It deserves the recognition of being a revival of a timeless sci-fi franchise.


thanks but i don’t want to have anything to do with epic games. Anyway, they have made it super easy for crossplay, nothing complicated systems by which you write the nickname and send an invitation as in COD or others. (activate sarcasm mode) simply follow all those very simple steps, and when finished … two half moons to the right, one to the left, square, circle, R2, X, L1, L2 … and you can play crossplay … see how easy (deactivating sarcasm mode). Luckily I’m not interested in crossplay with others other than x-box. but … wher’s my FPS ???

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Illfonic your game is even more dead than before.

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Bug fixes dont mean shit if people are crashing and cant play the game.


slow down nerfs, the bane was unnesserary on top of hp buffs… not worth playing pred right now. Before it was soso. Now they went way over the edge. Because the damage ratios are not good with pistol, bow has hitbox issues bad, plasma is weak unless charged. Premades will just get to helo every game. You know as pred have to take a chance on downed FT and claim and take second wind. Or Shoot them without claim

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Do you even think illfonic. All you did was revert the predator back to 1.06 after plasma nerfs and gave even more dmg to FT and gave them even more revives and hp. You literally broke the game. Shitty design to make matches last longer when technically a 2 man pc squad can take a predator. Hopefully you patch it soon. The bow nerfs ontop of this… insane. The trap nerfs , all you did was buff warclub? You need to gut that weapon. If you nerf Ft damage back to normal… the game may be fun again.


Please fix all of the crashes. Update is pretty great but my game has gotten progressively more crash-y. It’s at the point now where it will crash once I reach the main menu. I can’t even access customization without crashing a few seconds afterward. I play on PC.

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what is the purpose of predkour when it just doesnt fit in the game at all. When you allow one side to have hit scan and the other side to ahve projectiles and shitty melee tracking… this is the major flaws ontop of the way the weapons work


I’ve noticed the wrist launcher doesn’t show physically on my pred in customization and the description should just say thermal projectile launcher.

I am increasingly sure that the biggest problem in this game is crossplay, for other companies not but in this it is a big problem that affects the balance between console and pc, the statements in this forum make it clear, pc has to dealing with keyboard and mouse which makes the aim of the players very good and with a controllable weapon shake effect, they ask the predator for buff. On the other hand, those on the console, having to deal with a controller without aimbot, ask the predator for nerf. this would not happen with a quality aimbot like other games. the logical solution is for the crossplay to be eliminated. In addition to dividing the community in two, those who pay and those who do not, it does not seem fair that some finance the online game to others. or is the online free for everyone, or is it a clear discrimination / abuse of ps4 players


You’re using the term aimbot wrong.
The correct term is aim assist.
And I hate it, and turn it off any chance I get.

On behalf of all good ps4 players, we do not want the pred nerfed. Fucking I can’t think of a word to call it, but way to assume it’s the ps4 players wanting pred nerfed.

I dont understand your last part. What’s abuse of ps4 players?

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I agree with you, I also deactivate it because it bothers me the tracking in combats with multiple objectives, but deactivating it in crossplay with PC leaves you in a disadvantageous position. it is not the same to point with k / m than to do it with a controller. it is true it is aim assist (sorry, problems with the English translation) and the last part is easy to understand … ps4 pays for an online service to keep the servers and keep them as clean as possible from cheats, however pc play for free on the same servers that ps4 players are paying for.

I guess? I’m confused tho. So it’s a problem they play for free? PC players?

I’m just trying to understand.
So are you saying you consider mouse and keyboard cheating if they’re playing vs console?

Do you want pc players to pay as well?
I’m just not following, sorry man.

I consider that pc uses many hacks, you just have to see what happened to warzone. Playing with k / m is only an advantage, quite big when aiming, I know because I also use it. The problem is not that they play for free or not, the problem is that it is either free for all or paid for all. I do not have to pay for the maintenance of the servers for others to play. that is discrimination towards the ps4 collective. think that it is as if some were charged for playing and others not apart from paying for the game (no, wait, it’s the same) … do you think it’s fair ???

There are many other games in which I would not mind sharing crossplay with PC, because playing them online does not require psplus. for example warframe, neverwinter, fornite … in addition to working with a launcher that greatly complicates haks

Dude, a two man team on PS4 can take a predator pretty easily, FT has always been op, it’s just how you play them. Which is kind of a problem lol, but I think we all know this. 🤣

Yes, I should have mentioned these two things as well, melee tracking has gone to hell, and predkour feels so useless, it’s slightly useful for traversing the map, but most of the trees don’t span the areas the FT occupy, not to mention that they provide zero actual cover when you consider the FT can track and shred the predator with concentrated fire.

It ultimately boils down to FT being op to the extent that predator requires buffs, I don’t mind the club being buffed. I feel like it needed that to make the weapon viable, but again the tracking is horrid with each weapon.

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I honestly dont know how I feel about that lol.
I dont really care. Plus I’ve beaten pc players before. If I go full try hard I could actually take out pc players, so for me it’s not a big deal.

But I have run into macro users on pc. Was annoying.
I dont play crossplay tho.
I dont really consider it discrimination, but I dont have the patience to deal with low graphics and potential hacks lol.

I totally agree with dealing with haks and graphics. And the issue of k / m vs controller, I say it thinking that the game reaches a greater number of players, there is a lot of novice in fps … but being fair we have all been at some point. and also Not all players are equally skilled, maybe if there were some kind of ranking matchmaking it would be easier to balance, because people would play with people of the same level giving rise to more realistic balance statements, it is difficult to balance a terrain of I play with so many different abilities

Yep. I agree. It’s even harder to balance because of the nature of the game. 1v4.