Patch Notes 1.11 (Hotfix)

Well done 👍

Great, really fast update!thank you for the fix!

Guys can you look into the signing out bug? It still keeps happening

Can we fix the bug where the after match report says i unlocked 3x (or how ever many) field lockers for a level up …but it dosent actually apply or add to my unlocked field lockers when i get back to the main menu after the match

Please fix on match every time full 5 players 1 gets booted have to reset app or new party very aggravating other then that that keep up the great work

Please fix the pig issue, the quick claim into the tree, and please please PLEASE fix the predators predlocks. They lack the dynamic movements and glitch around after jumping. Thank you

Are you hitting them because they are easy to kill

Also happens when you try to quick grab a skull, the amount of times I got my predator to jump back into the tree after downing someone.

Which resulted into the team pushing me away and heal the downed person. Ow well.

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Fix the bugs with connection !
While waiting 8 minutes with the predator and then no teams!!!
At end of game almost finished and completed i get disconnected and cant go online only after restarting the game !

Nice!!! I really love this game, but I’m still hoping to see an offline mode in the future like you guys did on Friday the 13th the game. This would be very nice with an offline mode, because if some people have WiFi failures they still can play on the offline mode.


I should have been more specific - it wasn’t 10 hours of constant game play. It was more like 3 hours of total game play spread across 10 hours of time.

Okay I was about to say like God dam

hahaha - I wish I had time to play 10 hours non-stop…would make getting to Level 150 (or whatever will be the next top level) a ton easier. With that being said, there are quite a few folks that do play that much (and more) to create content on YouTube or the person might have weird working hours and just f’n loves to play video games.

Youtubers are a burden on society and have no real life skills.

I don’t really agree with your first statement since ‘influencers’ are much more of a problem than ‘YouTubers’ since some willingly peddle BS products that do more harm than good (e.g., Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashin, Olivia Jade) and endorse con artists and their schemes (e.g., people who endorsed Fyre Festival, Caroline Calloway). Granted, Logan Paul is probably the biggest POS on YouTube and should be shuttered, imo.

Peddling BS products that cause adverse side-effects for people or promoting just plain fraud/corruption is definitely on-point with your second statement.

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Okay I agree with that some youtubers can stay since they have good content and not click bait bois

stop advertising this shit please

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Just got logged out opening a field locker.

Keep up the great work, Illfonic! You’ve outdone yourselves once more.

Fixed it so that preds all seem to do nothing but wrist blade and kill you in seconds but yeah great patch, the balance is off to me and most fireteams I get matchmade with cant find their ass with both hands, since more times then not when I log in and play quickplay I dont have any fun playing your game the crybabies literally ruined it like I hoped wouldnt happen, I literally didnt hear the pred before I saw him and was able to do 230 damage before dying from what seems like 2 swipes thought assholes will try to fucking argue with me that it wasnt that way, I bought it feeling stoked only to get the point where I just select games instead, really disappointed these patches are ok but there is no content that’s actually new like maps which you need badly just more cosmetic shit like wtf am i a women why the fuck do I care what my soldier looks like this game isnt supposed to be playing with dolls is it. To the rest who will comment I dont give a fuck about your opionion I just wanted to say to illfonic they need content and since every game lately has been nothing but wristbladed to death with zero chance to parry then follow it up with an attack = fucking boring waste of time to play as fireteam and since your game surely needs the fireteams for matchmaking times to improve for the predator good luck with this mode my friends wont even touch it anymore, they all say what’s the point run around a map for 10 minutes trying to do missions just to get wiped in a second by a melee pred who walks up on you with zero shits given. I will just not waste more time or money on something I going nowhere, especially since this will be flooded with comments trying to tear apart what I have to say this forum is fucking useless