Patch Notes 1.14

@Courier @IllFonic #feedback please… just do what people want… u can add cosmetics later… focus on maps and mechanics


I wish I had more time to play. New maps would be cool and some bug issues fixed, but… do what you do.

I’ll still play when I can.

Its like you don’t realize the the alpha predator is basically just a skin for the hunter. It has the EXACT same stats just like jungle hunter does.


If new maps and such require us to pay, the game is dead

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But he’s a cool skin I don’t have so…that’s enough to switch me back from collecting VT on dailies for a little

Oh boy its barbie time fuck that I’m sick of more unlockable and nothing at all about the absolute shit duplicate rate on field lockers which would likely make this a little less irritating. No real bug fixes that make even private matches annoying as predator when you auto claim and get downed, I dont come into these mid month patches with much in expectations but this isnt going to help keep the community wanting to play and that wont attract more players. If their first experience had buying your game is atrocious wait times because even those of us who still play daily despite any new maps are gonna find something better to spend our time on. Though I’m glad the Alpha is available to everyone becuase an action figure that’s 70 just to get a playable character was really lame to those of us who dont collect those sort of things. No raise in level either which would at least reward me for playing with free field lockers that may unlock some of this heap of veritanium eating cosmetics


Can you put a deluxe upgrade on the store? There are many of us that were not able to cancel our preorders in time for release so we could buy the deluxe edition, so an upgrade for a reduced price would be appreciated.

I keep asking this every update and I’ve asked on FB, which you have read but not responded to yet (I sent this months ago). This is why people are tired of you illfonic, your community engagement is non-existent.

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No balance changes at all. Interesting.

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While I am slightly disappointed with this patch, it being little more than Cosmetics and Predator In-Game Content stuff with Alpha being added in, keep in mind that these people just got back to work. There’s still this month’s DLC Update.


Great update! Can’t wait for the new map and mode!

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I think that’s when we’ll know more about the new map and mode

I think he’s just saying that he hopes we get them in that update.

@Courier so if mode and map are on this roadmap, are we expecting them next month for the FREE update?

Thanks for the cosmetics!

Given Illfonic’s recent statements while announcing City Hunter with Pred 2 Combi-Stick and Wrist Launcher, the Game Map/s and Mode are still on the current roadmap. Which means in either July’s DLC Update, or August’s DLC/Free Updates (most likely August, let’s be real) we will see stuff like that.

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Hey ilffonic. Could you guys think about adding in more loadouts. Since we are getting new predators and fireteam members, I think it’s best to add more. The more loadouts, the more customization. Also please look into the predlock bug. It’s getting really annoying seeing them bug out and go all over the place.


WTF? Still no maps?? So after Friday, you still think three maps is acceptable?!?


So no maps, just cosmetics and skins again???

You couldn’t drop even one map to give us some variety?

Grateful for any new content but my God we need maps. My teammates are some of the most active people on these forums and we have recently cut our playing time by about half because the maps are so old now. We love the gameplay but running the same maps and missions is killing it for us. Have went from playing about 5 hours a day to only 1 or 2.

No excuse for only having 3 maps at this point. Even if you drop some at the end of the month I promise you so many of us will have lost all interest by then.


Ok, this game will die soon. Their strategy is to put more cash grab DLCs possible (abusing of the Pred IP) and rub the incredible amount of retards in this forum. Then close the servers. That is how you make money with an half finished game with millions of bugs and with all bad reviews.


ppl cluttering this thread isn’t really helpful. Question: Implemented EOS invite support.
Does that mean Epic Online Server invite support? How was that NOT implemented? I was always able to invite EOS people into games and parties as well as PS people. That generally is called crossplay.
Lots of PS users complaining they can’t crossplay which is a convoluted expressive saying that they can’t ADD PC players to their PS friendslist, which i’m sure has obvious complications.

Yeah looks like I’m sticking to Ghost of Tsushima