Patch Notes 2.05

I agree semi auto sniper shouldn’t be in the game XD

Takes 2-3 shots to kill someone in CLASH…

But yeah even in HUNT mode the semi auto sniper is reallyyyy OP… and i dont think balance changes can fix that really… unless they make it have 3 bullets in the clip and u can fire upto 3 shots or even less…

That’s completely not true. Click on the “no preference” button, and it will toggle between FT and Pred. You can still opt into the queue of your choice.

Honestly, totally fair point. If you want the hunt and tension, Hunt may still be the best option for you.

Could you better describe what you’re seeing? I haven’t been able to play this morning yet so I haven’t seen this behavior.

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Did one Hunt match with as pred. At least 2 weren’t noobs judging by the camping but Melee was viable and successful and I didn’t melt on contact at least.

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As i said i think its finally balanced if u ask me lol…

Altho i would still love my idea to go trough and be added which is better body anatomy hitbox… so like the less important limbs u shoot u experience less damage on you… so lets say some guy only loves to use semi auto sniper or even that 2XL revolver

so basically rough idea was

HEAD - 100% DMG output
TORSO - 50-75%
ARMS/LEGS - 35-50%

That is that they add also branch functions which also reduce the damage intake from bullets if ur behind them…

So branches will reduce dmg by 25% if ur behind them until they break then ur again naked :P

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I played the new gamemode.
Very dumb choice by ILLFONIC.
It’s all about a COD style of shooting everything and get killed multiple times.
I’m so disappointed.
The FPS DROPS are the worst 'i’ve seen so far in this game. I can’t believe I’m running this game on my PS4 PRO console.

We needed a gamemode that allowed more people play as the predator but all this gamemode does is to say it loud again that this game is a FT BASED GAME, not a predator game.

I’ll stick to the old game mode.


Do y’all not care what predator fans have to say? You’ve created CoD with pet predators in the new game mode. Predators and people aren’t supposed to team up. This is is some lame af baby back, adhd bullshit. 😂😂😂 This is ALMOST as dumb as the friendly predator dog from the most recent movie.

People quit mid match leaving you in a 4v 2 or 4 v 3

Hello Illfonic I expected to see 9 equipment to the recognition class so I hope in a new maj

This mode reminds me of Doom 2016 multiplayer.

And thats not a bad thing.

Little less lava though.

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And chainsaws.

Yea but in that at least I could turn into a demon and demolish all in my wake

True, true but it definitely opens up new builds I can actually play zerk cause im not the main target lol.

I strongly disagree with the changes to pred this patch

The new DOOMs and WH40K: Space Marine were delightful in how they treated glory kills in single player.

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That’s true lol

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Using glory kills as tactic and not just for show was amazing, and they fleshed it out in Eternal and made it even better.

People quit bc the new game mode sucks

Yep. And in Space Marine, the glory kill mechanic was the only way to recharge health in combat. It stood in contrast to Gears of War 3 (another 2011 game) where the whole cover based mechanic is what kept you alive. In WH40K Space Marine, the only way to stay alive was to literally get even more into the thick of it. Trying to play cover based shooting would kill you quick.

Back on topic, the new mode is not meant to replace Hunt, but be a fun addition to it. The Hunt or Be Hunted experience is the core element of the game, but with Clash, people can have some quicker experiences with fun bursts of being the Predator. Personally I’ll be playing both game types on a regular basis, with Hunt for the full experience and Clash as a way to get a round or two in when I have time.


Its nice for people that want to play pred but dont want to time invest to play hunt so I understand its implementation, it’s definitely different but its still as tense as hunt.

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