Patch Notes 2.05

The new map isn’t in rotation on hunt enough

I’ve only played once in a few hours


Ive played on it at least 3 times, but its very inconsistent.

I had this issue as well - had to manually bind keys to the actions. I had custom controls/binding setup prior to the update (not sure if that plays into it or not).

People just rage quit because they that they are gonna lose the match. It happened all the game we did. I think a punishment system should be implement. @OldKingHamlet

After having played 30 games, I must say that this update feels very empty, not attractive the new mode, I waited a lot and now I feel disappointed


Try to play mew mode in group, you will see enemy quitting 99% of the times. It s not fun.

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I know thats why i don’t play PVP games anymore or any kind of FPS team deathmatch game lmao… its rarely fun when its pre mades, usually when u pre made u play godlike lol…

I might test it out more without crossplay on to see how good are just pure PC players but giving it a week i think the most player base will be on peak and then realise u can easily abuse sniper rifle but thats my hot take on it

We were playing with cross off, just all people quit because no punish.

Please improve the frame rate on PS4

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I answered you already. You can change queues either by using the button press shown on the queue type box, or by clicking on it. You can pick Fireteam or Predator queues for hunt.

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They change the way you pick predator or fire team. For those of you who are confused like I was you can still pick wether you are fire team or predator on a hunt game. Next to the icon on HUNT there is another icon that lets you pick witch one you want to be. When I first loaded up the game after patch I also thought that they took this option out but its not out they just changed the format.

Just tested this actually works really well, moving pred 50 meters or more out is completely invisible


Yeah, I’m on PS4 with a modified set of key-bindings so amount of button options are finite.

Thx for clearing that up. But just a suggestion you might want to make sure people know you can still choose. They way you do it now looks different than what it used to before patch and a lot of players are mad confused by it.

The new mode is a chaotic, brainless, generic shooter with a Pred thrown in as an after-thought. However there are obviously lots of people who enjoy this kind of dumb runaround FPS experience (though there are many games that do this kind of thing better), and the Devs seem intent on attracting that crowd.

Having played the mode once I can safely say I’ll never be playing it again. My only concern is whether this CoD-lite mode will detract players/resources from the original game mode (you know, the one based around a Pred hunting a team of soldiers, like the movie this game is supposed to be based on). Hopefully that won’t be the case, but after today’s update I’m not optimistic about the future direction of the game.

I can’t play as any of the dlc characters predator and fire team both they’re locked and not playable please fix

Actually, you can’t right now, is it glitched?

If you click on “Team No Preference” does it change? Could you capture me a video?

Never mind I am an idiot XD quing now thanks for the tip

lol no worries. We’ve documented player confusion around this anyways, so that will help us.