Patch Notes 2.05

Do all the whining people realise you don’t HAVE to play the new mode? Hunt mode is still there with a new map and they e made some ace updates to things we were all complaining about. Don’t like the new mode, that’s entirely up to you - avoid it and then it’s not an issue?

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I have some feedback if you don’t mind passing it along.

Can you have it show the predator class passives? The fireteam has them shown in the menu such as “spot duration, mud cover duration”. and it seems the predators have invisible passives users are not aware of

I mean I’m at work ATM and when the update went live I was also still at work I don’t have much to say tbh

The new game mode is something I def didn’t want and will not play the new map hopefully performance wise is better than backwater

I’m glad there rebalancing the predator classes and they buffed long range predator stealth hopefully not everyone will be playing hunters now
I’m glad some perks are getting toned down/costing lower to equip and actually surprised they nerfed FT medkits never thought that would happen

I’m surprised at the no sniper rifle nerfs but at least 2xl won’t do as much dmg as the 7en.

And yay maybe there will be another viable melee weapon besides the elder sword

That’s all I got gotta get back to work

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Awesome, appreciated 👌🏼💯

I look forward to your opinions when you’ve had time to playtest everything👍🏼 Your Warclub build might actually be viable now 😈

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Still can’t use jungle hunter or city hunter class they say level 0 locked someone please help

This is definitely the worst game mode I’ve ever played in my life, who tf thought this would be good?!?!

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Yeah i think i am finally able to peak for a bit longer and charge for a bit longer, its actually pretty neat + this new map allows me to move more freely and without anxiety throughout the tree’s so its gucci so far…

But i have a strong feeling most new fireteam players will come wanting the nerf on this new balance changes for predator… when in fact its actually solidly balanced and equel

played few games and new mode is bad + not even veritanium rewards after finish. And no guarantee to play as predator even for few moments…
And normal Hunt 4v1 mode starts with almost empty lobbies after standard 5min wait… and after waiting another 2min lobby isn’t filling up.
At least some performance improvement and somewhat new map build mostly from already known and existing assets.


Just played my first game of clash

It provides the foundation for Pred vs Pred, battle royale and competing FT factions

That is incredible

An announcer is needed for things like first blood, double kills, revenge etc.

A killstreak system should be implemented down the road

Fps needs to be smoother

I cannot stress this enough

Ps4 performance is bad

It’s been bad from the beginning

In case you guys forgot this is a crossplay game

The playing field isn’t even in the slightest


This, framerate should be a priority, I tank frames in clash more than I do hunt.

Is a combi throw insta down on Dutch 87 with OWLF normal?

Great update but the game mode…this game is done I just deleted it I’m done until illfonic gives us what we NEED in this game and not what we WANT I will come back to this game when there’s another game mode that people will actually play for LONGEVITY.this Game will be another Last of us is part two because illfonic doesn’t give us what we as gamers asked out of this game if I want to play call of duty I will play call of duty this is predator hunting grounds people who actually play this game and watch the movies like myself understand pvp is not what the fuck we wanted nor asked for we kept asking for gauntlet Or some type of 3 or even 2 predators against a number of fireteam members to keep this game ALIVE that’s what we NEED honestly could’ve added this new game mode somewhere else down the line but this game needed a push and gauntlet was that push but no y’all add some shitty ass game mode with Friendly predators if I go play Friday the 13th there is no such thing as a friendly Jason he fucks everyone up so why is there a friendly predator or predators I should say for this game mode?! And for the people saying predators and humans worked together you need to go back and read the comics and re-watch the movies because the only way a predator is helping a human is if he or she saves its life by luck or makes a deal with the predators and sometimes with that deal they may or may not kill you cause all predators don’t do the honor codes and don’t work with humans like that there are only a select few and they where lucky enough to live through it some even died helping predators as well . Give us what we need this update is halfway disappointing the map was great including the cosmetics And configurations I thank you for that but that game mode is the killer of the game y’all better make a game mode that’s similar to gauntlet or give the game to a company that knows what to produce to their fans when they need and ask for it or y’all do it yourself within the next major update or y’all can fix this update be getting rid of the meters and have a 2v4v4 in this game mode clash that’s what you call a clash and another thing boost the level cap to 200 or 250 to keep people going please and thank you

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Ive been using WC with Zerk since Launch 😜 now I feel like Piccolo when he takes off his armor 😂😂

Someone’s grammar teacher should be fired for this… this… mess.


@OldKingHamlet here’s some gameplay feedback for Clash game mode:

  • Massive Frame-Rate Drops in Clash matches on PS4PRO
  • Self-Revive Syrette isn’t working
  • Space-out FT names vertically in main menu to add a visual UX design showing what equipment is in our loadouts

I feel like I’m missing a bullet-point… maybe I’ll recall what it was shortly.

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How about you guys take the time to talk to players with actual questions and suggestions instead of getting in smart ass pop shots at people. You know since the communication between you guys and your player base is so good.

Oh wah wah cry cry. Is all I hear

You obviously haven’t read much of predator lore. There are times when the predators did team up with the humans.

I hope you have more modes that can give us the hunting aspect with more predators and fire team members in it! Shoot I would even take alians in it having players be alians before. Another mode like the pvp mode that just dropped I know you Guy have something more for us