Patch Notes 2.05

Amazing update! Thank you @Courier can we please have a predator vs predator mode in the future with a sweeping radar that appears every 30-45 seconds to give an idea of locations and to see who is the top predator!

Oh quit winning about the game dieing give it a year. You negative Nancy. Lol

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You guys are like “I want to choose to be Predator.” Thats how match making turns to shit you have, a 1/4 chance to be to Predator you will probably play predator every 6 games. That’s assuming you only go through one pred a game you could go through 2 or 3.

How tf do you switch to predator during clash for PS4?? The prompt comes up but just times out and chooses someone else on my team because it wont respond to shit ive tried everything i can think of. Some ppl say Dpad some give PC answers… None of its workinnggg plz help

Took a long break from this game… anyone tell me whether this new patch is worth coming back?

It’s dpad right

Check your controls and make sure it’s assigned

This is fcking bullsht,i dont mean this absolutely useless new game mode.
Illfonic keep continuously buffing predator,which one is STILL almost bulletproof on trees,cz bullets simple not reaching the target stucking in invisible branches,instead of fixing this sht they adding new customizes,gj devs,fck this game,dont even wanna play in this wonderful piece of mastersht anymore.And ye,i forgot smth,awesome plasmacaster buff,now if pred shoots in small buildings roof,u take dmg inside the building.nice
I rly dont understand what illfonic is trying 2 achieve,to ppl stop playn fireteam or what,20 min predator queues


I wish it would be the old mode but with offline bots or it would be nice with a story mode but we got a mode where almost everyone doesn’t like. Everyone was waiting for a story mode or an offline mode with bots and…

@drugstor799 , in this way I can play pred, without having to wait … each game, or 2 yes and one no. I don’t know where you get that calculation from. this mode wouldn’t be necessary if there weren’t people so selfish that they only choose to play pred. Besides, you can continue playing pred as always, the problem is that those who have little time to play will choose the new mode and the selfish ones will see increased waiting times in hunt mode. because most people have lives, jobs, family … in short, things to attend to, and they cannot take two hours to play 4 games. and I would still make another change in the hunt pairing … pred preselection playing only with FT preselection, and without preference playing in a lobby with random pred without mixing with the “Mains” on both sides (I’m sure that most players would choose this one)


is this 4 vs 4 the only Gameplay now? The Old Gameplay with Pred vs 4 FT isn´t exist anymore??

Of course it is still there and can be chosen. Why writing this comment before even starting the game. guys come on. BUT THIS HERE IS ACTUALLY A GREAT IDEA FROM CALL ME CARALLO:
“pred preselection playing only with FT preselection, and without preference playing in a lobby with random pred without mixing with the “Mains” on both sides (I’m sure that most players would choose this one)”

Wtf is this gamemode , its a total joke , all cod kids got scared of predator and begged for you guys to make a cod gamemode , pfff what a shame , the game had potential but u guys just buried yourselfs , fk all of the kids that where fking begging for cod shit !

we get violated in the ass , we wait fucking months for this crap cuz some kids though this was cod , im done , illfonic buried themselfs

i see you have no arguments , then shut up and go back on cod , here is a game supposed to be for predator fans , not for cod players .

Ya I wish the preds just went in there with melee and just got as many kills within 2 minutes


I think the new mode is fun for just chaotic gameplay, it needs some proper working tho(like it begins and ends like "victory…back to menu" ). But I hope in the future they make a proper “3x10/12” type of mode, with Predators being the main inspiration for it. Also, maybe drop the super predators and some human characters from that movie before the game modes drops.

I have a problem in the new map, every time I look up at the sky or in open spaces, the fps drops a lot, below 15 sometimes, I usually move in 80-90, is it a mistake?

This was there before the patch as well its not a buff lol

@Courier @OldKingHamlet

To add some positivity in here, I absolutely love the new disk balance, it is far easier to use on both console and PC and its really fun once you get it down. In the right hands its easily the best weapon now

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