Patch Notes 2.05

@Courier Awesome new game mode idea and can’t wait to see the new map !! Also very smart idea for reworking each Predator class.

Pls fix

Dude shits annoying… i had a full charge and then it did that… smh…

Get DM me videos if you can replicate it on the current patch. Also, send me platform, and if on PC, if you’re on gamepad or KBM. I passed along Arrow’s video earlier, but it’s usually best to get content showing it happening in the latest patch.


Where have you been for the past few months while Pred was getting nerfed to Hell, melted by FTs within minutes?? Pred isn’t OP, sorry.

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I’ll try to set up so i can record, usually always messes up and is black screen lmao… or it wont start ;(

Are we talking about the damn wristblade attack??


If you have an nvidia gpu and have nvidia experience installed, the built in recording functionality is pretty foolproof. I believe the default keystroke to pull it up is alt + z

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Oh…shit…it’s still with us then? Oh well, I’ll be mindful of that. Thanks for the heads-up 👍🏼

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Think it has to do with the servers… always happens to me when i get in match with ping of 80-180 due to joining americans.

It happens also in the current one , I will make a video but it’s gonna be only a waste of time because it’s still there and happens all the games. You will see by your self when you will stream. Btw I send this video as a private message to you.👌🏻

That could be a good clue, and easy enough to VPN from another part of the world to inflate the ping a bit.

I still wonder why i get put in american servers lol, its like 50 50 usually most of the time…

There has to be an region lock asap rocky

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As much as I’d like to play with people across the world

Ping is always bad outside of the US because I don’t have the fastest Internet possible. My shits basic as fuck

Just had a glitch where I couldn’t fire my weapon or reload @OldKingHamlet

Uploading video now

@OldKingHamlet It happens when predator gets second winded and I switch to my shotgun. I couldn’t fire or reload

I love how Dutch said exactly what I was thinking lol

I’m on a ps4 pro

Running Dutch 87 with OWLF trained and Yautja bane and prepper

Ps. Love what the team has done with the cloak. It’s perfect now I think


11GB? Mine was only 4.5ish. (PS4)


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wait remind me what i have said about 11 gb?

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You posted a pic of the download bar and it said 11.8 gb for total size of patch

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Oh yeah… they probably did a shit ton of optimizations for PC wise… hence why its bigger…

Thanks for the info for PS4, now it confirms my theory they improved optimizations for PC a bit.

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