Patch Notes 2.05

they just broke the game with patch 2.05 i cant believe they cut the fireteams health they get from packs and syringes in half. I mean seriously the predator doesnt just got more health but it also has a infinite number of pigs that give it full health and they got nifty heat vision that tells them exactly where they are. Lets not also forget that the predator has their own health kits. Seriously this game is broke. it was too east playing the predator before and as the fireteam it was perfect with half being predator wins the others being fireteam wins. Now its like 95 percent predator wins. Cause their previous patches made it so the AI now do as much to the fireteam as the fireteam would to the predator.

Just stick together and watch each other’s backs

Ammo crates still give you a syrette

Med packs on the map were buffed and they are readily available just like the pigs


Noticed that a day ago as well, I was stalking a FT group and they were taking ages to get the cabinet open. It was one of the shortest missions in the game, if memory serves, so I guess it makes sense that they decided to buff the time it takes.

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I’m fairly certain it wasn’t that evenly split, but if you say so. I think the game’s at a good balance point now.

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@OldKingHamlet Thank you for the great new map. She’s just amazingly beautiful) Also, thank you for the new mode, it turned out to be quite funny in fact and epic) Do not listen to dissatisfied reviews about the new mode. You are great.
and I apologize for my bad English, I am from Russia)

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@OldKingHamlet Ran into this bug(?) yesterday where I was the only FT left but didn’t have the LMS status

Happens @ 4:23

Ps4 pro

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NO!!! dotn get confused! next to “hunt” is written “TEAM NO PREFERENCE” just click on it and it will change

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what i hate,sometimes he is 100% invisible, i still dont know how he doing it,but i can be front of him 1m ,he healing him self and i just can see him,thats stupid. Picture you posted is perfect,invisible from distance but from less than 1m…come on

sniper is op in this mode

Look for the blood, that’s a normal feature of predator cloak before the patch; if he’s standing still, you won’t see an outline.


You could’ve helped them out by power slamming the roof, one slam destroys all the servers for them😉

Your English is amazing, no apologies necessary 👍🏼💯

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The custom controls on PS4 are borked for trying to add accept Pred

But he not standing still, he healing him self,so he is moving and he should be more visible

Quick claims shouldn’t result in a peeled skull, I want to see the faces of my adversaries

Also can we please be able to have at least two quick claims on our belts


If he’s not moving at all there’s no shimmer at all and he’s 100% invisible.

It’s always been like that.

Listen for audio cues and look for blood tracks.

I can find him most of the time even when 100% invisible.


Yeah i think main issue is now that the textures first of all suck at close ranges…

Second of all that there is not much of a shimmer lol or at least it does not look good at all…

Third of all… its just actually so bad how he instantly vanishes to nothingness.

There has to be like a better transition…

So when he reaches out of sight for human eye, i think he should shimmer before he like fully transitions… to sort of show them that he is now one with the jungle and stuff…

And i think he should shimmer from distance too if he is moving too fast and running and jumping around… but nothing too serious to give him away.

Na, I disagree and think the change was good. You have to rely more on your communication with others, look for up close motion and really listen to your environment.

Before 2.05 it was way too easy to spot the Predator and the FT had too much of an advantage — now the cloak is the way it should be.

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I mean so you are fine with predator looking like this


Like wtf are those textures man… totally not the same as predator see’s his cloak from his POV

I think textures need to look more transparent and look better lmao…

And there has to be a proper transition

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You’re using medium settings?

It doesn’t look like that on ps4

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