Patch Notes 2.08

Just played as viking and holly shit that thing is walking tank… that battle axe heavy and then light can 2 shot support with fearless… but its really hard to hit with that slow swings… i think its high risk high reward… im really happy for viking. Less gear points but more perk points. I like that. Now im going to try it with impenetrable💪

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So with the Viking purchase not working for many, this was absolutely NO UPDATE for Predator at all. Just FT buffs

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What was changed on Jungle Hunter?

Viking is okay but he still gets melted by the ft just as easy as any other predator sadly and his axe is good when it hits but it’s tracking isn’t so great. Predator overall still needs to be buffed either increased melee damage or increased damage resistance across the board.

It’s supposed to be a reskinned Hunter, how did they nerf it???

1st gameplay after update and game crashed. 😥😜

Not a fan of jungle hunter nerfs. Like, why the fuck? Who asked for this? FT updates seem cool. Sad to see the blue screen is back.

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IllFonic: Adds “Want Some Candy” to pred mimicry wheel.


Why do people mention nerfs but dont explain what happened. So Jungle is a nerfed Hunter? The preorder skin is now the worst Class?

Is Illfonic trying to lose players?

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Why was JH87 nerfed and why is this not mentioned in patch notes?

What? How?

Stamina cut in half. He’s a weaker shittier zerker

That’s how.

Patch seems good so far, but the gold accents for the Viking Mask (the one featured in the promo image) cannot be selected even at Rank 150. Also would be nice to be able to use that mask with Female loadouts.

And the Jungle Hunter nerf is really head scratching…

His stamina has felt weaker for a while…

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I checked, and the answer I got was that there was no changes to his performance in-game in this patch and the UI stat bars were tweaked to better reflect the stats of the character

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I am predator player and I am happy about this update. Why? Because it is balanced…

Some people complain about we don’t get anything new for predator. That is not true, we got new predator class. Last time we got new predator there were huge wait times in predator queue. This time there is a lot of new stuff for fire team. Hopefully it will keep number of FT and pred players in balance and predator queues will not skyrocket to tenths of minutes.

HOLY SHIT WHAT AN UPDATE! thx illfonic, downloading rn!

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Can you imagine how hard it was not leaking that or the Viking predator? :p