Patch Notes 2.08

Don’t worry we got people for that 😎


whistles innocently


@OldKingHamlet any word on new maps and modes release time table? I feel that’s the biggest thing that would bring players back
Also whoever designed the new map did an amazing job.

For the record, I think we were able to keep those from being datamined. I think updates are a lot more exciting when there’s surprises. And now I have a roadmap that, while currently with “?” on the future stuff, I can point to and say “stuff is coming!”


Surprises are nice and all but so is anticipation and hype

People put the game down when there is no news

I personally think it’s counter productive to remain silent but that’s just me

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So, he was always a second rate hunter?? That’s…weird

One word…

Log 😅

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You are strong and wise, and I am very proud of you! Seriously, the willpower is impressive, most impressive.

How long it takes to fix PC Viking purchase problem? Because a lot of people bought it and can’t play on him on PC

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What? No fix for the Combo stick and Katana damage through walls??
Im even more convinced that this game is not more than a SNES game with better graphics.

Over a month haven’t you learned that it’s part of the game, I left for over a month and you’re still here obviously they dont agree with you and this repetitive complaint

Oh boo hoo.
Ft got a bunch of buffs, getting hit through walls isnt going to really help pred.
Unless you like to corner camp.

Is that what it is?
You a camper???


Against Pre-made fireteams maybe, but so far all the games I’ve played as FT with randomers the Vike is mulching with that axe and tanking damage. I imagine good Premades will hurt him bad most of the time, but for randoms? They’re meat

Non hanno ancora capito che questo pred e’ in affanno contro un buon FT??? Ma dove guardano…?

And now i need purchase it again in EGS. What the heck

Yo, the Viking DLC still isn’t unlocked for PC players.

Now I need to buy it again and I’m not seeing a refund being issued. What the hell?

Hahaha all these people who are whining that fireteam finally got a true buff. DONT WORRYthe predators still have over 3000 health. Can down a fireteam member in 3 or more hits. And you still have infinite piggy health packs. Just cause you got to act smarter as the predator and its no longer as simple as hack and slash. Does not mean the fireteam is op. You are still basically hulk with wolverine and the avengers powers running around so i am sure you ll live.

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Ah, nevermind.


I culdnt find the proper meme.