Patch Notes 2.11

Ha ha ya boi about to kamikaze on the predator with dat rocket launcher!. (Insert joker laugh)

Trapping the pigs lol

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Who are we kidding most preds charge in head first for melee so it’ll do nothing for them. At least berserkers/Vikings won’t get as melted when trying to run away before their inevitable demise lol.

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So the food chain is currently pigs on the bottom, preds, FT, and AI at the top.

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Btw im pretty sure they did change how pred stamina works… pred feels like he can leap more as it regens faster…

I WAS really hoping for a night variation of maps n shit…

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Yeah. The preds take noticeably longer to second wind. When they come with that elder sword, you better hope you got backup.


Ok was Dante ever mentioned in the OWLF tapes or the dutch tapes? Because why TF would they add him?

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This is all a bad dreamm once u wake up we will have pred content instead… wooshhh

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Plasma rifle isn’t very accurate


Also dante’s teeth are fucked up

On the main menu

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The fact they haven’t even added little things like more audio tapes or anything else is just sad. No pred build variety like the FT has, no new useful pred gear, no new ranged weapons, no MFing bug fixes, no varied type of AI, no night maps or new maps at all.

Idk this update just like the ones before it do nothing but shit on the community, but hey at least they’ll always have those people who’ll dick ride them till the ends of the earth telling everyone that this is perfect.


How about they add more ability point for the pred and an extra slot or two to have more abilities then a human, just saying it is 1 vs 4 so there should be a greater advantage in that department. Until they do that I won’t be coming back to the hunting ground any time soon…

Man we’re getting tea bagged so hard right now

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The previous content was predator content, so obviously they would release Fireteam content, its no disgrace, its logic sense to keep a balance in the game, period.

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It’s worthless making suggestions or talking about bugs that need fixing. They give us a football player, don’t fix the bow, buff FT even MORE…I’m seriously nauseous

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Can we get better muzzle flash effects plz?

I’m with james, only played one round this morning and I was actually able to melee without feeling like I had brittle bones disease

Too bad lol it’s not like humans can’t hunt either.

Have you never played this game before? The FT hunts the pred down all the time lol.

Also the FTs objective is not to hunt down a pred, it’s to do whatever the fuck Zeus tells you you have to do, the preds sole objective is to HUNT down the FT.

Edit: sorry if I came off as an asshole with this but this update has me a bit pissed at this games current state. Still that’s no excuse.

Increased armor of the Predators??
Reduced energy cost of fully charged Plasma Caster shots??
Here we go again… Noob Predators gonna have a good time again… This buffs gonna turn them into winners without skills. All they need is to jump on a tree and shoot.
And where is the fix for this stupid AI??
Where is the fix for the damage through walls with melee weapons??
How about instead of buffing Predator resistance, giving it more weapons and traps? It should be a hunter with a variety of hunting tools, not the damn Hulk!

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And if he does come swinging I can blow both of us up with the rocket launcher. Rofl

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