Patch Notes 2.14

I’ve studied the game plenty, back when ft wasnt broken I did really well too.
I do decent now, but find it impossible to be as effective as before.

Tho, the majority of people have agreed with most of what I’ve said thought this games life.

I’ve only ever tried to make it actually balanced.
People dont listen.
Makes me really wish I woulda just said fk ft and let’s keep full roof slam and let’s have the cloak make you completely invis at 45 meters, but I didnt cause it wasnt balanced.

Anytime its for the ft, ppl are all perfectly fine and ok with it, but if it’s to help pred?
Nah fuck pred.

The combat system.
I dont like the rock papers scissors system to it at all, plus it felt too slow.

I found it stupid that instead of letting people create their openings like in actual combat, they went with a system that has clear weaknesses.

You ever play bushido blade?
I feel thats how for honor should have been.

But ya man, I’m not a fan at all of for honor.
So if it is as balanced as you say, that kinda sucks cause I’d love a balanced game to play.

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It is fairly balanced, everything is good and so are all the hero’s so the rest is left up to player skill at that point. If you get beat by another player you simply lost to a better player not so much a busted character. They’ve also changed a lot where you can create openings by either feinting attacks or using certain non-damaging moves to make openings for attacks. It’s not much of a hack and slash game anymore

Look up Chivalry II

he may not neccasarily mean expanding his kit to deal damage

i’m in the camp of giving the predator more optoins for dealing with FT as right now i think our problem (aside from a numbers issue which is somewhere between 20and 60% at least that’s how the PC elitist feel) is gear all gear aside from the medkit is bad none of them help at doing their job which is distracting the FT and controling the situation to keep it in the predators favor when it’s a 1v4 predator damage output and his hp and his gear he brings in is supposed to even the playing field and right now only 2 of these things carry their weight and all 3 of them is lacking against co-ordinated teams obv we can’t change his hp or dmg as those 2 are too tied at helping baddies who can’t equip specs and havn’t reached level 100 yet and miss 70% of their shots

so that means we have to put the MOST weight in limited use gear items or abilities (if they ever add them)

stuff like having an aoe grenade that disables parts of FT UI (such as radar or ammo counters)

having some method to draw ft fire away from himself like a dog whistle or drone

having a crowd control tool like making the netgun a gear item and making it a dedicated button like FT has so he can have the bow equipped for example and fire a netgun from it like how FT can have their guns equipped and throw grenades instantly
placing a jammer that gives the FT a false objective that attracts additoinal AI soldiers

i’d assume in good faith Fire isn’t asking for Predator to have a fucking smart gun that auto targets multiple FT
or a plasma canon that does 190+ damage on a full charge shot with 90 of it being splash dmg

and you can’t use the roof slam through walls as a good faith arguement for a time when pred was op when we still just AOE dmg people through walls even now because buildings are STILL a death trap for the predator


I never saw it as a hack and slash.
Like I said I really dont see the combat system as good.
Take away the rock, scissors, paper effect from it, and then i might like it.

Balance isnt enough if the mechanics aren’t fun.

I’ve seen it, looks like a nice little fun game but jot a game I could fully diveil into.

No but it would be hilarious.

Not entirely damage base tho being able to hit multiple targets would be nice.

Cc effects that would take ft out of the fight for like 4 or 5 seconds would be nice tho.

Destroying or jamming up guns would Be nice.
Hell disarming the ft too.

I’d really love a summoning class tbh.
Drones and dogs.

Where you dont fight directly at all.

A trap master class too.

Idk I dont have it in me to come up with Full ideas anymore, just concepts.

I just wanna have fun with cool stuff.


A nice fear system like they had in Friday the 13th but instead of making the screen dark weapons jam up at random it’s harder to aim directly at the predator but only further away you are from the fire team the closer you are the better you aim but the less damage out put you all do together

i mostly agree i think were at the point now where we actually can’t convince them to change dmg or HP numbers drastically cause they clearly believe that bad players deserve a chance in any match therefore

all we can ask for now are new tools that we think would help us deal with the FT that don’t offer straight damage output or damage reduction

whether it’s perks that offer new effects like for example spending stam gives a 10% dmg reduction for 3 seconds during and after
or a perk that gives predator 5% dmg reduction for every PMC (which are the heavy AI btw the ones with the STGZR patch) claim or an hp regen perk

or items like i’ve mentioned earlier

or some kind of i hate to say borderlands esc or hero shooter abilities but fuck some of those could work in theory if you tone em down enough


Was never a fan of a fear system, but at this point, il take it.
Anything to just make the pred feel better and funner to play.

More funner*

Passives would help and be nice, but I really want more actives.

Idk about you, but pred just doesn’t Really feel fun now.
It was fun before when things were better,
Like before if an ft got away, I would give them props and most likely it was a really fun and good match.

But now it’s just like you’re always at an extreme disadvantage.
Like fuck I like a challenge, but I’m not a fan of feeling weak as hell.

I miss using melee, but I know it wont work Vs a good ft.
Being stuck in full range style is boring and annoying.

Preds not really fun to play anymore.

that’s how i feel i wish stealth like actually worked which albeit it would if predator had a perk that reduced all noise he makes by like 35%

earlier today i was playing with the PC elite fellas and in i think 12 games a predator won a game twice and we were giving them like 60% more hp 10-20% more dmg and decreasing FT accuracy by 30% and we buffed cloak like fuck dude

when i was playing i had 100% more hp and they were still blowing through my medkits every 3 minutes and running me all over the map in all my games i didn’t get a single kill

it’s just not fun

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Maybe one day you’ll find a game you can enjoy 🥺

I hope you do


Lmao thanks.

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Rocket League?

Lol we.
God a game would be nice but I’d honestly wish I could find something better than games lol.

Tho nothing looks worth doing lol.
Might be cause of my depression. Who the Hell knows lol.

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