Patch Notes 2.14

Thanks for this update Illfonic!
You can definitely see that there was some big effort involved into developing this patch!
I love it.

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That would beā€¦different than expected. Not neccesarily unwelcome but also like the Field medic not addressing the main issue.

Kinda never really seen a problem with taking damage in second wind. Ya get out and get clear and hope they donā€™t run you down. Unless theyā€™re trying prevent that? Which makes no sense?

Illfonicā€¦ PLEASE can we have a chat in the game? Not evryone using microphone and i thing its not that difficult to put it there. THX

Itā€™s a feature of the ps5 controller

There are gears in the triggers and sticks that provide resistance against the player to simulate a multitude of things

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I think good specialization for predators is take reduce explosion damage because those grenades are deadly as heck

Me too wonā€™t to get some privet matches in

I have to wonder how many of the people complaining about the Predator finally not being a glass Cannon are doing so out of the lazy playstyle theyā€™ve developed or because when they came over from fortnite they were told it would be easy to kill the predator


Performance has gotten better on PS4 pro but itā€™s still varies

I hope they continue to optimize


Iā€™ve experienced people hacking. Please fix

Thanks for the opportunity to create private matches for yourself. But I would like the AI parameter to have an infinite respawn mode for AI bots. Or something like a ā€œtraining modeā€ with infinite AI.


Youā€™re right. I donā€™t agreeā€¦ Cause itā€™s impossible. And youā€™re telling your premade team melted preds?
I believe you have read what i wrote in almost all threads, right? Because you just proved my pointā€¦

You dont have to agree.

While it didnt happen every match this quickly, this was pretty much 90% of our matches, if not higher.

Like I said.
Only scrubs got ran over back then.

This was 7 months ago btw.

Very few times we died to preds, usually we made a mistake or were fucking around.

So here you go watch the vid.
A noob just jumped down melee and then he won?

That only worked on noobs, unless the person who did It really knew how to pull it off.

So if that was that effective on you back then, you were a noob.


Really? Thatā€™s reallt not a good example of a Pred player. He decloaked so much far away from his target and then went to heal right in front of the FT in plain sight. That guy was not even an average playerā€¦

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So if ft was no match then why didnt it work there?

What a blast to the past this was man

Also back in 1.16 most ft didnā€™t know various things we know now like parrying what the good ARs were that shoguns are garbage


If you gave 1.16 a month or so same with any patch prior or after up until the city hunter patch probably as that was the only patch where predator was at its peak otherwise predator wouldnā€™t stand a chance against any team who knows how the game works as itā€™s even worse now than it was back then

(Inb4 someone makes the full slam dmg through walls argument)


Lol even if they do pretty much 90% of the playerbase thought it was too much.

What I really like to see more mobile melee like really working that I get a hit in and run right now it just feels like whenever you try to swipe or hit all your momentum is lost

Jesus manā€¦ Really?
Iā€™m talking about matches with, ar least, average players each side.
Not about potatoe Pred players rhat donā€™t even know the basics.

And Iā€™m telling you, showing you proof too, that as long as you werent stupid, and paying attention on ft, it would not work.

I played against these people, and I would mix it up with pc and melee.
But melee I had to really be careful because these guys werent going to give me free hits.

So again man, Iā€™m telling you, that it never worked unless the ft was scrubs.
The only way a pred would be effective against us was to play well, by switching it up.

But very few preds gave us a challenge.
Iā€™m not really good anymore on ft partly cause I couldnā€™t care less about ft now a days, so I cant find it in me to really try.

Tho I was never the best.
Used to be pretty good.

And even against me it didnt work.

So again man, you must of just been really bad back then.

I said it before and i will say it again:
As a Predator I am a weak player. Not even an average. And i can win almost half of my matches. Even against premade PC squads, i can manage to claim 1, sometimes 2 players if lucky, before they reinforce or get to the chopper, then i either get killed or they escape.
So, if a weak Pred player can do this, how can you say FT is OP? Please, explain me!