Patch Notes 2.14

This might sound sarcastic and stupid, but you ever stop to think you might be better than you think you are as predator?

Like no joke.
I’d want you to play vs the ft players are I know are good to test this,
But, you gotta remember too theres a lot of shitty players on both sides.

So you might be winning against shitty players.

Also, claiming only one or two is not something to be happy Or proud about. If they get away or worse kill you, theres nothing to celebrate.

You bring up pc players But you should see some of the ps players I’ve gone up against.

Look man.
I’ve thrown out the offer to you so many times to join me in a psn party, and we can discuss it there.
Us going to a private match I can show you exactly why I know what I do.

It would be easier and I Think i can run through everything, like the entire topic in maybe 10 at most 20 minutes.

Right now though the amount of damage ft can do compared to pred is way too much.
They can each individually Do as much damage as the pred does to them, depending on the weapon Used, faster than pred can.

This being the case, when you start multiplying the damage and throw into account that they can attack from multiple angles, you literally cant effectively fight any of them.

Then theres feild medic which negates downing players.

Until ft damage gets reduced by at the very Least 40%, field medic is removed, ft will continue to be too strong. Dexterous Also needs to be removed so ft cant rush missions.

Spotter and other broken perks and specializations need to be nerfed.

Just because you win doesnt mean ft isnt broken.
This proves nothing.


FIRE TEAM. Guys can i somehow cancel healing? when i accidentally press wrong button and i heal my self with 99% of HP i am super pissed off. :( THX

If against a pc premade squad your getting more than one kill you are GOOD at this game dude

Most predators that face pc premades don’t get one

Hell most preds who face ps4 premades don’t get a kill either


Believe me. I’m no good. I know i’m not. I can’t even land a sequence of 3 melee attacks. I get spotted very easily and i have no domain toggling through my weapons. I miss like 90% of my arrows. I have to use “impenetrable” in all my loadouts. The only thing i consider i’m good at is that i know every steps of the FT missions. Sincerely, that’s my unique advantage… And i can only deal good damage when 1 FT player is down and the other is reviving him, cause he is standing still.
You call me a good player?? Pfff. If i’m a good player with all of these low attributes, i have to ask, what if i was really a good player?

I don’t know what to say to you other than you underplay your own skill heavily as your not missing 90% of shots and killing a member of a pc premade otherwise your just lying and have never faced one which I wouldn’t be surprised many people haven’t as I’ve proven people wrong b4 on this subject

As someone who actually has you don’t approach a pc premade objective camp with losing 20% hp every time cause they hear you coming from 40m away and pc premades typically chase all over the map once hp is 20% for the rest of the game or until you kill one of them

And ps4 premades punish you for standing on building with grenades that’s 22% per grenade and they punish you the same way for getting near a ft that’s not including the ones that are gunning at you
And both will charge at you if they hear you healing or charging a weapon and will try destroy BTs mid air
And all missions are finished at the 5 minute mark btw

I’m not lying. Why the hell should i say i’m no good if i was? I know what a good Predator is. I faced many good Predators and i watch YT channels like BloodThirsty Lord, Samhain13, Sharpy 47… I don’t know if they are the best of the best, but one thing i know, they are pretty damn good and i’m nothing compared to them. I can’t do 1/10 of what they do. Nor as fast.

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And as someone who has faced sharpy 47 and his squads 6 times I have yet to get a single kill on them but they are one of the few premades who can challenge me

So either I’m delusional which no one on this forum will agree to or your crazy

As it stands only voodoo boys and team x and the PCDS folk challenge me as they are the only teams I have yet scored Ws in and to team X we have only tied each game so far

I have We over every other team I’ve ran into

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Bloodthirsty isnt good tho.
Plus hes annoying.

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Ok. I believe you. But i’m not saying i get to kill 1 or 2 players of a PC squad everytime. I just said that i did, and thay’s the max i achieved against a pc squad.

And that alone is an achievement of the highest skill

I played against a team who had 3 snipers who have slightly less accuracy then sharp, but definitely not by much.

I couldn’t get a single kill.
Really wish the handheld pc did more damage cause then I feel it would have even the playing ground.

Idk how bad it is playing vs that crew, (sharpys) but I literally could not stay still for more than half a sec or id get sniped.

I think I got hit during a leap or 3.
Idk i just really wish i had something, anything to even out the odds.

Aside from summons, I really cant think of anything.
Maybe good cc effects.
And DoT.


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If he is no good than i am even worse , cause i can’t do what he does and as fast…

Oh yeah they typically nail 3 or so shots per leap too I forgot they punish you for leaping sometimes with the RPG too not just the SAWZ

He probably sets up shortcuts to switch quickly between gear.

Like macros?

Ya, most pc players like to completely customize their Controls.
So wouldnt be surprised.

That sounds so fun lol.
I feel like the pred needs a better leap.

Maybe something like warframes bullet jump which makes it hard to land shots?


I see no big deal in that. Many gaming pc and laptops keyboards already bring customizable macro keys.

I dont think those are bad, but the other ones that work like turbo I feel are kinda fkd to use in pvp.

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Uh yeah either some kind of perk to increase speed or straight up a air dash or some shit
Otherwise it’s some kind of gear/abilities we need to even the playing field

I do know in avp there is a power glove that has a shield on the forearm so maybe they could give us that and let us block/parry bullets lol

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