Patch Notes 2.14

Oh that i agree…

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Wish it was easier to set up matches vs premades for me.
I really dont wanna play with pc players cause I dont feel it would be fun, mainly cause their personalities.

I ask around and tell ppl here and there, but no one really seems interested, so no real way to practice or anything.

And I really just dont want anything to do with ft anymore.
Like il play randoms if ppl really want to but private ft?

Holy fk is not fun.

We really need a public lobby system.
Tho with custom options now I feel youd find too many modified ones.

I do wanna set up some boss fights ones or something but I dont know enough ppl that I play with enough to do so with.

Be nice if they added that pred team up mode.
Games just not as fun as it used to be.

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Yeah I assume with the custom stuff added in a few months they will add a public lobby with search features

moralez_84 on PSN and Epic Games.
In about 30 min or so, i’ll be online. Add me and we can team up. At least we know that we won’t fool around and we’ll play seriously.

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Aight start up a party when you’re ready, UltraMint7 is me so just let me know.
Il play some ft for a lil while.

I’m Not as good as I used to be tho lol.

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Gg we just played. I was Val with katana

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Yep, they are right, at one point a good fireteam can decimate a predator. What the person said that it needs nerfed, perks and stuff like that.

He/she is right. Maybe if the predator will be stronger the fire team can play more cautiously and slow down the pacing of the game (hint on how a spec ops team was managing in the movie especially against the predator, silent but deadly). Too many folks rush in guns blazing, cod style and sometimes predators don’t stand a chance against rushing.

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Please skin Isabelle illfonic and class sniper Please image

Il see what I can I do since I decide who gets put in. @REYNOSO_FUA11

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Any other request while I’m here?

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Lol désolé je voulais pas répondre à toi mais juste écrire un message sur ce forum mdr fire tu peu faire quelques choses à la place des développeurs ok vasy lol

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Ok… I remember playing yesterday against a Val, but i don’t remember the match… I played a few yesterday. Did i win at least? Lol. If not, i want a rematch lol

Nah, I got u guys. U had a few assaults so I’m not for sure which one was you, it was at excavation. Tough fight. Didnt know if u were with randoms or not just happen to see your psn moments before the match.

Oh I remember. We were randoms. The other guys were just fooling around at the camp looking tor VT. Me and a scout were the only guys taking it serious. After your first engagement you got serious damage from me and i pursuited you alone but you killed me near the green tent with the satellite/generator.

Ah yes u were alone in the tent, I remember u startled me. Didn’t expect u there😂.

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I’m looking here for Cadillackev1215 from PSN.
Played with him minutes ago, he mentioned me from this Forum and asked for a friend request at the end of the match but he has his privacy settings blocking new friend requests.
If he sees this post, please enable that option or add me. moralez_84 on PSN and Epic.

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You talking about @Cadillackid?

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