Patch Notes 2.20 (Hotfix)

The imposed specializations is basically what is breaking them. They need not to be enforced, though I believe the damage is now done and unless they force everyone to reset the loadouts, the problem will persist.

I thought everybody that bought the bundle , who already had the skins , were “supporting” illfonic 😆


Sure you guys fixed the New trophies? Like really sure?

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It’s grinding time

No disculpa en la tienda española se traduce claramente, acceso anticipado a máscaras y pinturas. El contenido estará disponible a partir de diciembre 2021, no antes.

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sush lmao

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Something is not good here, no update for me but I can still play the game.

Personally speaking I spent the 20 dollars because I just had twenty dollars to burn. I got what I wanted knowing full well they’d be unlocked leading up to December. Whether they hold off on one up to December I don’t know and frankly do not care. I had 20 dollars to burn, did it, and now I have the stuff early. The newest update screwed up the builds that used it, but that’s a cosmetic bug at the very least.

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Thank goodness I thought I was doing it wrong my system is 20 a day but doubled if I finish objectives early 😁

Awesome Hotfix Guys!!!

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Cause they are sketchy. And just like I said we’re looking to make a quick buck off the fanbase

illfonic Please skin berserker predators mr black Please skin predator tank you


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I think Mr.Black is taller and bigger than the Berserker, no?

hay have ever one you guys even got the 87 predator mask?

also do have the predator mask

Yes, the females are also bigger but in the game they have to be the same to balance


Sellout 😁

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Weren’t the female yautja bigger than the males in the comics etc?

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