Patch Notes 2.25

I won’t assume anything until I play some more. Still a bit reluctant to hop in as I thought there would be more oomph…I’ll give it a shot though and my opionin will be released later tonight.😐


You literally sound like a person with an abusive spouse praying they will change…

Like they always say, you can lead a horse to water, but not force it to drink!


I’ve waited and waited for months on end
To see great illfonics plan
And ive always been patient man
But the patience has reached its end


I just want a good Predator game, man


what do you guys at illfonic have against bringing good content, FIXING KNOWN bugs, game modes, etc?

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Call me when they drop a new game mode.


Me too.

I also don’t want to wait another 10 years.

Hoping someone buys Illfonic out over this IP to properly curate a predator experience.


“Players have the ability to take over Fireteam bots if killed.”

This is a nice feature…

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Guys, check this out They mentioned game modes. Check this out. Playstation Blog was just released. Tell me your thoughts.

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So we waited almost 40 days for this update?
What a waste. Let me guess, the next dlc update won’t come out til end of october and that update will only be more trash. Such a waste. I wont be playing anymore.

thank you for the new predator

The movement of the FT-BOT was very simple
It follows the FT player.
Depending on its position, it will mud up.
Does not react to transparent Predators.
It does not react to transparent Predators. - It does react to distorted Predators at close range.
Responds accurately to fully visible Predators.
It reacts to some extent to spotted Predators, but the system is poor.
No spotting.
Support is a bit childish.
Firepower is high and dangerous.

Just put it in perspective and Idk who can argue against that…i was pretty optimistic through out this game up til now. I still play it but damn wtf I been waiting for the game modes more than anything particularly the gauntlet mode, assuming its a larger hunt mode. Im pretty disappointed

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Shall we!


well they land and stay there… lol what a joke…

Looking at the patch notes…


Its because of the lawsuit maaaan

i both of tho skins for some sort

Smart disc have a new mele moveset. Or was it updated in previous version?